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To Jisung's  surprise, his assistant couldn't have been more right. As soon as he gets out of the luxurious car with tinted windows, he finds the small square at the entrance to the airport crammed with people. It’s as if all the inhabitants of caste Seven had taken the time to go wish him good luck and say goodbye to him. Or else the curiosity to be close to one of the selected was superior.

Either way, Jisung  feels awkward with the huge human mass surrounding him and blocking his way, all those people with their eyes on him. In fact, Jisung  was busier staring at everyone as he walked down the corridor of bodies towards the double glass doors at the airport entrance with the help of four security guards, which is why the mayor’s voice resonating through a microphone somewhere startles him.

"And caste Seven will also cheer for Han Jisung ! A round of applause for him, ladies and gentlemen!"

He was not at all expecting to be received this way. Even the mayor had come to see him and wish him good luck? What the hell?

The crowd applauded, shouted, encouraged. Some even threw flowers. In that warm wave of attention, Jisung  let the noise envelop him, smiling and waving to everyone because, after all, these people were rooting for him. For him and for Oh Areum, the girl of his caste equally selected, of course. But either way, Jisung  now couldn't ignore the contagious energy and enthusiasm, wanting to reciprocate that affection and support in some way.

In less than a minute, silence replaced the cheers and applause, and Jisung  allows himself to breathe as they reach the interior of the calm airport. He was going to fly with Areum, which made the crowd's bubbling joy disappear and give way to anxiety and nervousness instead, just because it was his first time on a plane.

Honestly, he never quite understood why they built an airport in caste Seven. It's not like people here can actually travel. Maybe it was built for occurrences like this one he's been living with though.

About ten minutes later, Jisung's  assistant returns to him, informing him that his check-in is ready. They then advance through the sterile and clean departure terminal until they reach the boarding point.

On one of the long, metal benches, a medium-sized girl, in a light yellow dress and black hair tangled on top of her head, is sitting, and although it's been a good couple of years since they went to elementary school together, Jisung  recognizes her right away.

With a sweet smile on her lips, Areum gets up and approaches him, surprising the boy by greeting him with a quick hug. "Hey, Jisung ! It's been a while! You've grown a lot! What about your hair? I love it!"

Jisung  obviously grins back because he has always been very fond of this girl and her sincere and amusing enthusiasm and simpathy. “Oh, thank you, Areum. It’s good to see you too,” he replies, pulling away from the hug.

"I was so happy when I saw that you had been one of the selected. I was afraid to go to the palace without knowing anyone, but luckily, that didn't happen! It's going to be so much fun!" She gives little jumps of excitement and Jisung  has to control himself not to grimace.

Yeah. It looks like he forgot that he's the only one who's going to the royal palace upset. The others selected are on their way to the contest due to their will and desire, not due to obligation and fear of having to pay a fine for giving up. So, it made perfect sense the happiness and euphoria that spilled over Areum - and certainly for all the other competitors. Jisung  just had to copy them to stay out of unnecessary attention.

"Yeah, totally. It's going to be amazing," Jisung  pushes the words out of him, unaware even of his own voice uttering such a thing.

Luckily, before Areum starts talking about how perfect the prince is - believe him, from the glint in her eyes, Jisung  was sure that would be the next topic of conversation - their two assistants call and warn them that it's time to board.

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