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Time seemed to take an eternity to pass, clothed in days, months, maybe even years but, in reality, the rebel attack lasted just over an hour.

They found out later that no one had actually been able to enter the palace, only the gardens. The guards only fired at the rebels when they managed to get to the front door, which explained the stones and spoiled food that had been hurled at the metal-protected windows for so long.

In the end, two rebels managed to get too close to the main entrance to the palace, but warning fire from the guards caused them to flee. If Minho's description was correct, they really were Swans.

For reasons of prevention, they kept the selected ones locked in the dining room for a while longer while they searched the surroundings of the palace. When everything returned to normal, with guarantees that everything was safe, the competitors were allowed to return to their bedrooms.

Jisung escorts Areum to hers. Although the purple-haired boy had held up well in the dining room, the tension generated by the attack had left him exhausted on every level. It was nice to have someone to relax with.

"Is it true that the prince offered you the sweatpants you asked for? Even after you lost the bet?" She asks.

Jisung had started talking about Minho as soon as he could, eager to know how their conversation had gone.

"And a hoodie! But yes, he was very generous," Jisung  states, not even noticing the smile that graces his lips.

"I find it charming that he knows how to win," she sighs dreamily. "What a gentleman!"

Jisung lets out a few giggles. "What did you guys talk about earlier?"

Her cheeks automatically start to blush at the question. "You won't believe it, Jisung ... He asked me if I would like to have a date with him this week!" She lets out a low but hysterical squeal, giving very ungraceful little hops as she walks. No one is around to judge her and Jisung  is much less the type of person to do so.

"Areum! That’s great!" He shares the same happiness as the girl.

"Shhh!" She puts her index finger over her lips, looking around to make sure the others have already gone upstairs. "I'm trying not to create too many expectations. It's just a date."

They stay silent for a moment, Jisung looking at her suspiciously as if he didn't believe a word. And he's right because just one more blink, one more step, one more breath, and Areum explodes.

"Who am I kidding? I'm so excited I can barely be quiet!" She waves both her hands in a gesture of enthusiasm. "I just hope he doesn't take too long to mark the day."

"If he's already asked you, I'm sure he'll schedule it soon. You know, as soon as he finishes his daily princely duties," Jisung  tries to calm the girl's nerves by joking.

And it works because she laughs. "I can't believe it! I knew he was a handsome man but I had no idea what he would be like as a person. I was afraid he was... I don't know, pompous, cocky or arrogant. Something like that."

Jisung nods in understanding because he too had once thought the same. "I know, right? But in reality, he's..." How could Jisung describe Minho? A little pompous, yes, but not in an irritating way like he'd imagined, but elegant and chic instead. A prince, no doubt about it, but still so... so... "Normal," he finishes the sentence.

Areum is no longer paying attention to him. She is still completely lost in her dreams and thoughts as they walk through the second-floor foyer. Jisung  genuinely hoped that the Minho she was dreaming up was real, as well as Areum the kind of woman he was looking for.

you're so golden! || minsung ||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz