Time Flies By So Fast

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~Years Later~


As the first rays of the sun danced through the window, a little girl named Erica Cordelia Foxy Carravello, just five years old, awoke to the realization that another day had dawned. It was a day like any other, yet it was special because every day was a new adventure for her. She blinked her eyes, rubbing away the remnants of sleep, and hopped out of bed, her tiny feet padding against the wooden floor.

Erica's father, Eric Carr, was still sound asleep in the next room. He was a single father and a musician, whose life was a symphony of late-night gigs and early morning band practices. His world revolved around two things: his music and his daughter.

With a determined look on her face, Erica marched into her father's room, her small hands pushing the door open. "Daddy, wake up!" she chirped, climbing onto the bed. But Eric was a deep sleeper and didn't stir. His daughter's voice was a gentle lullaby that only added to his dreams.

Undeterred, Erica tried a different approach. She began to tickle him, her tiny fingers wiggling against his sides. Eric grumbled but remained asleep. Erica huffed, her small brows furrowing in frustration. She then had an idea, remembering something that always seemed to get her father's attention.

"Daddy," she said, her voice serious, "you have band practice today." But still, her father didn't wake up. She sighed, rolling her eyes in a way that was far too mature for her five years. Then, she remembered something else. "And I have school today, Daddy. It's in the middle of summer, remember?"

At the mention of school, Eric's eyes fluttered open. He looked at his daughter, her face just inches from his, her eyes full of expectation. He smiled at her, his heart swelling with love. "Alright, alright," he chuckled, sitting up in bed. "I'm up, I'm up."

As Erica jumped off the bed, giggling and running out of the room to get ready for school, Eric couldn't help but marvel at how quickly time had flown. It seemed like just yesterday she was a tiny two-year-old, and now, she was a lively, intelligent five-year-old. He shook his head, a smile playing on his lips as he got ready for another day in their beautiful, chaotic life. Time indeed flies, he thought, but with Erica by his side, every second was a treasured memory.


After their morning rituals, Eric and Erica sat down for breakfast. The kitchen was filled with the aroma of pancakes and syrup, a favorite of Erica's. "Daddy," she began, her mouth full of pancake, "can I play with Max today after school, please?"

Eric, who was sipping his coffee, paused and looked at her. "Sure, sweetheart. But remember, you have to finish all your homework first."

Erica nodded, her face serious. "I will, Daddy. I promise."

As they finished breakfast, Eric helped Erica pack her school bag. He slipped in a little note alongside her lunchbox, a small tradition between them. It was a simple message, 'I love you, princess. Have a great day at school.' Erica would discover it later and it would make her day.

Once at school, Erica waved goodbye to her father, her small hand fluttering like a bird. "Bye, Daddy! See you after band practice!"

Eric waved back, watching as his little girl disappeared into the school. He then headed to his band practice, his mind filled with thoughts of new tunes and melodies, but always returning to his precious daughter.


The day passed quickly. After school, Erica ran into her father's arms, her face beaming. "Daddy! I got a star on my drawing today!" she exclaimed, pulling out a piece of paper from her bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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