After Band Practice

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Eric woke up on the extra bed with Ace next to him, still asleep. He got up slowly and lazily grabbed his phone.

It was 10:30 a.m. Then, Eric glanced towards his surroundings. Gene was fast asleep on a couch and Paul was on his bed. He let out a sigh and went to the restroom.

Eric got out from the restroom and went outside to call Mrs. Fox.

Mrs. Fox: Hello?

Eric: Mrs. Fox. Good morning. I was just calling to check in on Erica.

Mrs. Fox: Don't worry. I just feed her and now she's playing with my daughter here  in the living room.

Eric: So, I just wanted to go over a few things before I head out again today. Are you comfortable taking care of her again?

Mrs. Fox: Of course, I'm happy to take care of little Erica. I have experience with toddlers before you know. So I'm confident we'll have a great time together. Is there anything specific you'd like me to know?

Eric: That's great to hear! Erica is usually very active and loves to explore. She's at that age where she's curious about everything. Just make sure to keep an eye on her and babyproof the areas she'll be in.

Mrs. Fox: Absolutely, safety is my top priority. I'll make sure to remove any hazards and keep a close watch on her. Does she have any favorite toys or activities that she enjoys?

Eric: She loves playing with her stuffed animals and her toy drum set. She's even started imitating my drumming, it's adorable. If you could encourage her musical interests and maybe even play some music for her, she'll be thrilled.

Mrs. Fox: That sounds like a lot of fun! I'll definitely encourage her musical side and play some kid-friendly tunes. Is there a specific bedtime routine or any preferences she has?

Eric: Her bedtime routine usually starts with a warm bath, followed by a story and some quiet playtime. She has a favorite bedtime storybook that she loves to hear. After that, she likes to have her favorite fox plushie with her while she falls asleep.

Mrs. Fox: I'll make sure to follow her routine and make it as soothing as possible. Is there anything else I should know, like any allergies or special dietary requirements?

Eric: Thankfully, she doesn't have any allergies or dietary restrictions at the moment. She loves her fruits and vegetables, so feel free to offer her some healthy snacks. Just avoid any sugary treats or foods that might be choking hazards.

Mrs. Fox: Noted, I'll keep her snacks healthy and safe. Is there a specific way you'd like me to update you on how she's doing while you're away?

Father: It would be great if you could send me occasional updates through text or pictures. It'll give me peace of mind knowing she's doing well. And don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

Mrs. Fox: Absolutely, I'll keep you updated and reach out if needed. You can count on me to take good care of Erica. Have a great time, and I'll make sure she's in safe hands!

Eric: Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it. I trust you'll have a wonderful time with Erica. Take care, and I'll see you later!

Mrs. Fox: You're welcome! I'm excited to spend time with Erica again. Have a great day, and see you later!


Eric hung up the phone call and went back inside as he saw that the rest was still asleep. He lets out a sigh and went to grabbed a glass of water as he placed his hands inside the glass of water and sprinkles some water on Ace's face to wake him up.

"Hey, come on man! Wake up! Wake up!" Eric said as he tries his best to wake Ace up.

Ace then wakes up and saw that Eric was in front of him. "Good morning sleephead. Now, I'm going to start ordering us some breakfast while you wake those two up." Eric said. "Come on, curly! You know that I'll only wake Paul up! But, not Gene. You know the rules, never wake up the beast from his slumber." Ace said as he started to shiver a bit. "Well, I woke him up last week. Now, it's your turn!" Eric said as he dialed the number for room service.


Ace slowly got up and woke Paul up first before heading towards Gene. But, before Ace could wake him up, the door on their hotel room rang and Eric answered it as, this made Gene wake up by the smell of the food. Ace was caught off guard and he was a bit shocked too.

~30 minutes later~

"So, the plan is still a go, right?" Gene asked. "Of course. But, how will you handle your daughter through the crowd of fans, Eric?" Paul said and asked Eric. "Don't worry. I got it all under control." Eric said as he pulled out his phone and noticed that he was going to be late to pick his daughter up. "Oh shit! I forgot! I'm sorry, guys! But, I have to go now!" Eric said as he quickly grabbed his jacket and bag and went towards the door. "Awesome band practice last night! Bye!" Eric said again and left as he closed the door.

"Well, this just means more food for us." Gene said. Both Paul and Ace let out a sigh in sync.


Eric's car pulled up and he went to ring on Mrs. Fox front door as it opened to reveal Mrs. Fox, carrying Erica, who was asleep. "Oh. I hope she wasn't causing a lot of trouble for you." Eric said as he grabbed Erica's bag from Mrs. Fox and picked Erica up slowly and carefully as to not wake her up.

"Don't worry. She was a dear. She watched television with my husband and turns out she's a big fan of KISS, themselves." Mrs. Fox said as she chuckled a bit. "Thank you again, Mrs. Fox. Is there anything I can do to repay you?" Eric said and asked. "There's nothing for you to do to repay us! I insist because we have been friends ever since I moved here." Mrs. Fox said.

Eric thanked Mrs. Fox again. Then, Erica held tightly on her father's hand as they walked back towards their house.

Eric unlocked the door as Erica quickly got inside and went on the couch as he scrolled through his phone while his daughter was playing with the Legos on the desk.

Then, Eric stood up to take a phone call. Erica was curious so, she got up but, before she could follow her father Eric closed the door to prevent his daughter from getting out.

Bandit came and Erica played with the fox's fluffy tail as they were having a great time.


Eric: The next phase of the plan is a go.

Paul: Don't worry. Everything's almost ready here. We just need to come up with a theme for her birthday next.

Eric: Don't worry. We'll meet up and discuss this together.

Paul: If you say so. Well, I got to go. I still have to discuss a few more things with our manager. See ya man.

Eric: You too.

Eric hung up the phone call and went back inside, only to find that his daughter fell asleep on the couch with Bandit looking after her. He lets out a sigh and patted the fox's fluffy head. "Thanks, buddy." Eric said as he picked up his daughter and went upstairs to put her to bed.

"Good night, my little rockstar." Eric said as he kissed his daughter's forehead and placed the pastel orange blanket on her as Erica snuggled her Fox plushie.

Eric took a quick shower and laid on the bed as he scrolled through his phone for a couple of minutes.

Then, before falling asleep, he glanced towards his daughter and smiled. "You're going to be the main attraction tomorrow." Eric said as he fell asleep too.

To be continued

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