The Search Begins! (Part 1)

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As Eric Carr realized that his daughter was missing, a whirlwind of emotions engulfed him, leaving him in a state of sheer panic and anguish. His heart pounded in his chest, each beat echoing the fear that gripped him. A surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins, heightening his senses and intensifying his desperation.

Anger, like a raging fire, consumed him. He couldn't fathom how someone could dare to take his precious daughter away from him. Every ounce of his being burned with fury, his mind racing with thoughts of revenge and justice.

But beneath the anger, a deep well of worry and fear threatened to swallow him whole. The safety and well-being of his little girl became his sole focus. His thoughts raced, imagining the worst-case scenarios, fueling his anxiety and causing his hands to tremble.

Eric's heartache was palpable, his emotions raw and unfiltered. He felt a sense of guilt, blaming himself for not being able to protect his daughter. The weight of responsibility as a single father bore down on him, intensifying his anguish.

In the midst of his turmoil, his bandmates, Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, and Ace Frehley, tried their best to calm him down. Their presence provided a glimmer of hope and support, reminding Eric that he was not alone in this ordeal.

As Eric grappled with his emotions, a flicker of determination emerged. Love for his daughter, the driving force behind his existence, propelled him forward. He vowed to do whatever it took to bring her back safely, channeling his anger and fear into a relentless pursuit of answers.

Eric's emotions were a turbulent mix of anger, worry, guilt, and unwavering love. They fueled his actions and propelled him into a relentless quest to find his daughter, as he clung to the hope that she would soon be back in his arms.


"Eric, come on, man. You have to rest now. You've been up for two days. You need to sleep or else you'll get sick before our next show." Paul said as he walked over towards Eric and sat besides him.

"Two days. Two fucking days, Paul! I'm a father and I'm worried here! I made a promise to my daughter to spend her first birthday with me here! Now, look what happened! I've only been her father for 4 weeks now and she's already been kidnapped by who knows who!" Eric yelled as this made Paul flinched a bit.

"Woah, curly. That's just not right." Ace said. "How would you know!?" Eric yelled towards Ace. Then, Gene walked behind Eric and caught him.

"What the hell are you doing, Gene!? Let go of me!" Eric yelled. "No! We are going to tie you to a bed and watch you as you sleep so you can rest up!" Gene yelled back towards Eric. "You're joking, right?" Eric asked as he saw that Gene was not letting go of him and walked towards the bed.

Then, Gene and Ace held onto both of Eric's arms while Paul tied him to the bed. Eric couldn't move. Then, as a couple of minutes passed, Eric finally fell asleep. Ace and Gene then took of the rope and Eric was peacefully asleep.

"That was tough." Gene said as he glanced towards Paul, who has a worried face on. "Let's go and bring Erica back! No matter what!" Paul suddenly exclaimed as he made his way towards the hotel door and left.

"Well, I'll tag along with him. You watch him. Don't worry. I'll text you if we find anything." Gene said towards Ace as he left too. "Great, now, I'm babysitting curly for the day." Ace said in a sarcastic voice as he sat on the couch and scrolled through his phone.


With The Police

"How's the search, Captain Noah Johnson?" Paul asked. "Still no luck. And, call me captain or Captain Noah. You don't have to call me by my full name, you know." Captain Noah said, a versatile officer who is skilled in various areas of law enforcement. Captain Noah is known for his adaptability and quick thinking, making him an asset in challenging and fast-paced situations.

Daughter Of The FoxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora