The Concert Begins! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

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~The Next Day~

~In The Afternoon~


"Well, everything seems to be in perfect condition." Paul said as he took off his guitar. "Yeah. I need to use the restroom real quick." Ace said as he took off his guitar and went towards the restroom.

"Come on, Eric. Let's get something to eat before the concert starts." Paul said but, Eric didn't heard him. Then, Paul glanced towards Gene and nodded. Gene got the signal and got up.

"Eric! Earth to Eric!" Gene said as this finally caught Eric's attention. "Oh! Sorry, guys. I wasn't paying attention." Eric said as he picked up his daughter.

"What's the hold up, Eric?" Paul asked. "Well, Erica wouldn't let go of my drumsticks. I guess she can keep it. I'll just use another one." Eric said as he chuckled a bit while glancing towards his daughter who was now attached to her father's drumsticks.

"See, your daughter does like being around the stage. She's a natural." Gene said as he laughed which Eric and Paul only sigh.


~2 hours before the concert~


In the dressing room, everyone got ready as they all put on their makeups.

Eric's daughter, with her sparkling eyes full of curiosity, was seated on a plush couch, watching her father and his friends with fascination. The air was thick with anticipation and the unique scent of stage makeup and hairspray.

The room was filled with the scent of hairspray and stage makeup, a blend of excitement and anticipation hanging in the air. His bandmates, Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, and Ace Frehley, were there too, each absorbed in his own pre-show ritual.

"Hey, little lady," Eric said, flashing a smile at his daughter in the mirror as he started applying his makeup. "You see, this is what Daddy does. It's like painting, but on your face."

His daughter giggled, her tiny hands reaching out to touch the colorful palette on the table. Eric's heart warmed at her innocent fascination.

Paul, the Starchild, was next to him, meticulously drawing his iconic star around his eye. "You think she'll take after her dad and join a rock band someday?" he asked, chuckling.

Eric laughed, "Who knows, Paul? Maybe she will. Or maybe she'll prefer to be an artist, seeing us paint our faces every night." Eric said as he chuckled a bit.

"Daddy's got to get ready now, sweetheart," Eric told his daughter, lifting her onto his lap. She giggled, reaching out to touch his face. He smiled, her innocent joy a calming balm on his pre-show nerves.

Gene, the Demon, grunted from his corner of the room, "Or maybe she'll rule the world."

Ace, the Spaceman, just nodded, lost in his own world as he adjusted his silver wig.

As Eric started applying and fixing his makeup one last time, he caught Paul's eye in the mirror. The Starchild was already halfway through his routine, the iconic star around his eye taking shape. "I never knew about Erica's eyes. She's got your eyes, Eric," Paul remarked, a soft smile on his face.

Eric chuckled, "You're right. And, I hope she's got more than just my eyes, Paul. Maybe my rhythm too."

Gene, the Demon, snorted from his corner, "Or my charm." His comment earned a round of laughter, lightening the atmosphere in the room.

Ace, the Spaceman, was silent, lost in his thoughts as he adjusted his silver wig again as he did his signature laugh. But he offered Eric a thumbs-up, a silent message of approval and camaraderie.

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