The Aftermath And Keep It A Secret Everyone! (Part 1)

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At the hospital, Eric stayed outside of Erica's room while the doctor and the nurses treat her wounds.

Then, the rest of the Kiss members arrived at the hospital and walked towards Eric.

"Eric," Paul started, his voice soft, "How's she doing?" Paul asked.

"The doctor and the nurses are still in there and they told me to wait outside." Eric replied as he sigh out of worry.

Then, the door towards Erica's room opened and the doctor came out.

"So, how is she, doctor?" Eric asked in a hurry. "Her condition is stable. But, knowing what she's been through, we're going to have to schedule a therapy session with your daughter soon." Said Doctor Alexander. "Thank you so much, doctor." Eric said. "You may see her now. But, let her rest first." The doctor said again.

"Of course. Thank you again so much, doctor." Eric said. Eric walked in first.

Now, Eric Carr sat by the hospital bed, his eyes never leaving the small, bandaged figure of his two-year-old daughter, Erica. His heart ached as he watched her sleep, her tiny chest rising and falling with each breath.

Just then, the door towards Erica's room at the hospital room creaked open. Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, Peter Criss, Bruce Kulick, and Vinnie Vincent walked in, their faces etched with concern.

"So, what did the doctor told you?" Paul asked.

Eric sighed, his gaze never leaving his sleeping daughter. "She's a fighter, just like her old man. But it's hard...seeing her like this." Eric replied with a worried tone in his voice.

Gene stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Eric's shoulder. "We know, Eric. But you're not alone in this. We're here for you." Gene said as he reassured Eric regarding this whole situation.

Ace, always the joker, tried to lighten the mood. "Remember when we used to think the toughest thing we'd face was the next gig? Now look at us, dealing with real-life superheroes." He gestured towards Erica, a soft smile on his face.

Peter and Bruce exchanged glances before Peter spoke up. "Eric, we've seen you face a lot of things. And every time, you've come out stronger. This will be no different." Peter said.

Vinnie, the last to speak, added, "We're your band, Eric. And that means we're family. We're going to get through this, together." Vinnie said next.

As they spoke, Eric felt a sense of warmth. He was not alone. He had his band, his brothers, by his side. They were a team, on and off stage, and together, they'd help his little girl fight her biggest battle yet.

A few hours past and days turned into nights as Erica was still showing no sign of waking up soon.

~The Next Day~

They all visited Eric and his daughter, Erica as they all chatted to past by time.

"Do you think, she's going to be scared after all of this?" Vinnie asked.

"This whole situation is very overwhelming for a kid her age." Gene said.

The room fell silent after Gene's and Vinnie's words, each man lost in his thoughts. The only sound was the soft beeping of the machines monitoring Erica's condition.

Breaking the silence, Bruce spoke up, "Eric, do you remember that time during the 'Crazy Nights' tour when we got lost in that small town? We were all panicking, but you, you kept your cool. You got us out of there."

Eric chuckled softly, "I remember. I had no idea where we were going. I just didn't want you guys to worry." Eric said as he was feeling a little bit better.

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