Chapter 3: The 33rd Exterior Scouting Mission

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Six months later...

Y/N's PoV

Shit, shit, shit!

I slapped the reins as my horse galloped as fast as he could.

Y/N: Come on, Oswald! Faster!

Oswald: Neigh!

This is not good. This is not good at all!

I glanced over my shoulder, hoping the four Titans chasing me were nowhere near me. However, that wasn't the case, as the Titans, most notably a 12-meter Abnormal, were slowly gaining on me.


Is this it? Is this the end for me?


Earlier that day...

Erwin: Long Range Scouting Formation, let's go!

As Commander Smith issued the order to enter the Long Range Scouting Formation, I turned to my left and looked at Oluo, Petra, and the two older Scouts riding beside them, Eld Jin and Günther Schultz.

Y/N: Good luck, you guys! Oluo, Petra, try not to piss your pants this time around, alright?

Eld and Günther both roared with laughter as Petra screamed in horror.


I laughed alongside the two older Scouts as Oluo growled.

Oluo: Yeah, shut your trap, Y/N! You don't have any right telling us that when you also soiled your pants! 

Y/N: Hey now, I shat my pants! Unlike you two, I had to stare at a three-day-old shitstain when I did my laundry after the expedition!

I even had to throw my underwear out at Captain Levi's behest and buy a new pair because it smelled so bad, even after multiple washes.

Suddenly, a stern voice interrupted our bit of banter.

???: Hey, knock it off, you three!

I turned to my right to see my squad leader, a veteran Scout named Darius Baer Walbrunn, staring at me.

Walbrunn: L/N, get to your position!

Y/N: Yes, sir! Sorry, sir! Getting in position now!

I then turned back to my friends before addressing Eld and Günther.

Y/N: Later, guys! Keep an eye on these two for me!

Eld: Will do!

Günther: Later, Y/N!

Now playing: 凸】♀】♂】←巨人 by Hiroyuki Sawano

I nodded before splitting off from the four of them. As I joined the rest of my squad, I patted my horse, a gray stallion named Oswald, and smiled.

Y/N: Alright, Oswald. Let's do this.

Oswald huffed as he galloped steadily over the abandoned farmlands outside of Wall Rose. We then settled into our designated position within the Long Range Scouting Formation before waiting for something to happen.

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