Chapter one: Honour among Thieves (pro)

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Gently, feet jump from roof to roof. The sound of distant thunder hides the sound of the rattle of the roof shingles. Three figures move sifting through the night headed straight colourful lights that filled the sky.

The three figures stop at the closest roof to the lights, as they get close you can see the lights are coming from one mansion. The biggest building in the city, a party was being held there, everyone who was anyone was going to be there.

The lights filled in the missing features in their faces, standing on the edge, was a girl no older than 17 she had exotic skin and dark green eyes, standing she stood shorter than the rest with black hair, that you couldn't really see from her mask and hood

Then there were two boys, one older than the other. One, had dark nut coloured hair with the same colour eyes. He looked to be around 19

The other had blond hair that peeked through his black hood like sunlight through a slightly open window. And blue eyes that shined like gems in the night. This one was the youngest, looking only 11.

"Cullen, there are so many guards down there. How do we even get near there, let alone in?" Ask the girl with little anger as she looks at the ground around the building.

"We'll do it the same as the last, who's going to be the bait?" Replies Cullen, retaining his calm voice.

The youngest looked down at all the little moving shapes, there had to be a hundred guards here, he thought to himself. The lights looked so pretty upon the night sky. The young boy looked back up to see both of the others looking at him with a slight grin.

"Benji, how would you like to have an important role in this mission?" Ask the girl.

The smile from the lights disappeared and rolled his eyes with a sigh. He knew this was going to happen. He was the youngest and the second smallest, he was the least suspicious out of all of them.

"Cullen can't Vivian be the bait this time?"

Cullen and Vivian stood with smiles and giggles.

"You know why you're the one who has to do it, don't worry, you'll do great."

Benji wasn't worried, not really. Benji, Vivian and Cullen had done missions like this lots of times, this was nothing new. But there was something off about this one, it just felt like it weighed more than the ones before it.

"Alright, we all know our jobs? Vivian and I are going to break into the back room window and snatch the box. Benji you keep most of the guards away from the back, by making a scene in the front. Got it?"

Both Vivian and Benji nod, Cullen replies with a smile and with that the plan is put into action. 

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