ROMANCE SUBGENRE [ Contemporary Romance]

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Contemporary Romance novels take place in modern-day settings, specifically between WWII and the current day. The situations usually center around the romantic relationship between the main characters and explore the challenges and complexities of modern love. This genre often incorporates elements of other genres, such as humor, drama, urban life, or suspense to create a compelling and engaging story that resonates with a wider audience. Contemporary romance novels offer a fresh and relevant perspective on love and relationships in today's world.

❤️ Sample blurb of a contemporary romance novel: Practice Makes Perfect by Sarah Adams.

Annie Walker is on a quest to find her perfect match, but everyone knows everyone in her hometown, and the dating prospects are getting fewer by the day. After overhearing her latest date saying she is "so unbelievably boring," Annie starts to think the problem might be her. Maybe she needs a little practice . . . and Annie has the perfect person in mind to be her tutor; the sexy, tattooed, and absolutely gorgeous bodyguard, Will Griffin. But Will has one personal objective while he provides security for Annie's famous, soon-to-be sister-in-law, stay away from Annie Walker.

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