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Start from the beginning

Lexie knelt down to her brother's height, who tried to sit up feeling a bit dizzy after he had hit his head, "Stay down. Let me go and get someone," Ryan sighed at that, "Lexie, I'm okay. I'm fine." He reassured her, using the bed in the trauma room to stand up, as his eyes went blurry almost tripping over nothing.

"Okay, let's sit down. Sit on the bed, Ryan." Lexie put her brother sitting on the bed as the Grey male touched at where he felt his headache, seeing blood now on his hand, "I'll be back." Lexie ran out of the room going to find an attending.


Meredith came into the room where her brother was inside of, the cut on his forehead above his eyebrow bleeding quite a bit, the Grey male looking at his sister, "He attacked me."

"Who? Who attacked you? Who attacked you, Ryan?" Meredith respected seeing her brother's eyes starting to shut, "Ryan, Ryan, don't go to sleep, you might have an concussion." She told her brother tapping his cheeks, "Don't go to sleep. Who attacked you?"

She tried keeping him awake, "The schizophrenic patient, he tried hurting Lexie cause she didn't have her original lab coat on cause she got blood on it this mornin—" Ryan's eyes fluttered to close, "Don't fall asleep, Ryan."

"I'm here." Mark Sloan came into the room looking at the cut above Ryan's eyebrow, "Who did this?" Mark then asked Meredith where Lexie then came into the room, "It was the mother with the schizophrenic son. He tried to get to Lexie but I went in between them. He shoved me and I fell and my head cut on the edge of the table." He told them all, "I'll have to suture this up."

Lexie then looked at her boyfriend, "I can do it," Mark looked at his girlfriend who gave him a look, "I know how to do a suture." Mark nods his head, "Okay." He stepped back seeing where Lexie had grabbed the things she needed to do a suture stitch on her brother's head.

"I'll let the Chief know, Ryan."

Ryan shook his head as Lexie was starting the suture on his head, "I'm fine, I can help out, I don't need—I don't need to be on bed rest." He told the superior, "Ryan, it looks like a bad cut." Meredith told her brother, her eyes going over the cut on his forehead, "You have a concussion. Just listen to him,"

Ryan looked at his older sister, "I don't want to be kicked out. I need this job," He told them three, "I did this to be closer to you, Mer, I didn't want to be alone anymore," Meredith frowned at her brother's words as she reached and held onto Ryan's hand, "We're gonna be okay."


"Megan got cut. I didn't, but she did." Steve told Lexie and Ryan as Lexie came into Ryan's room where the second-year resident tried reaching for his phone to see if he had gotten cut, "What? How?"

Ryan ran a hand through his hair, "The chief sent out an email." Steve looked at them both, "He fired three-quarters of our class." Ryan frowned at that, "Ryan?" The male hummed looking at his sister, "Did you get—did you get cut?"

"I can't—I can't—" He tried reaching for his phone where Lexie got her brother's phone in hand handing it to him, "Here." Ryan half smiled at her, before looking down at his phone and letting out a deep breath.

The Grey male shook his head when he didn't see any email from their Chief, "Me and Megan are having a baby." Steve repeated as Ryan reached out touching Steve's shoulder in reassurance, "I'm sorry, buddy."

Steve stepped out of the room as Ryan looked at his half sister seeing Lexie look at her brother, "Lex? Did you get—" Lexie shook her head, "I didn't get cut."

Ryan half smiled at that, "G-good." Lexie came towards her brother, as the two of them hugged with Lexie tearing up on her brother's shoulder, "We'll be attendings together," Ryan said with a smile, "We'll make this hospital ours."


"I'm sorry, we don't have time for games, we have to go back to the hospital!" Cristina complained to Owen, Meredith and Ryan who stood there watching as Cristina was on the batter diamond.

They were in a baseball filed, the McDreamy Trio (Mark, Derek and Ryan) having dragged them there after Ryan had gotten discharged by their chief of surgery, Richard Webber to where Mark and Ryan found the second year resident and dragged Lexie with them to play baseball.

"She's right, She does have to go back to the hospital." Ryan nodded along as his older sister spoke.

The neurosurgeon looked around them, "We're not gonna talk about the hospital, we're here to play baseball." Derek shut them down, Mark adding.

"And to drink beer." He handed the neurosurgeon a bottle, the neurosurgeon asking, "What more do you want in life?" Ryan looked at Derek, thinking about a lot of things he wanted in life.

Lexie looked at her boyfriend who handed her and Ryan a beer, "How can we drink beer when all of our friends just got fired?" Lexie questioned as Ryan frowned.

"You know, I'm sorry, I'm leaving." Cristina complained, the trauma surgeon grabbing his girlfriend by the shoulders.

"Whoa, no, you need this." He told her, putting the helmet on her head and giving her the bat. "Put this on." Owen smiled, "That's right. Now, hit the ball."

"I don't wanna hit the ball." Cristina whined, the Grey siblings taking a swing of their beer. As the machine shot a ball against Cristina, the woman let it go through her, complaining. "What are you trying..."

Ryan and Lexie sniffled their laughter at Cristina's complaint. "You need to stop thinking about what's gonna happen, and focus on what is right in front of you. Now, hit the ball." Her boyfriend told her, before letting the machine shoot again.

At that, Cristina narrowed her eyes, hitting the ball and making everyone cheer. "Oh my god! Oh my god, I hit it!" The woman let out, bouncing up and down as she went to hug Meredith, as she handed the helmet on the ground in front of her to Lexie.

"Now you like baseball." Meredith giggled.

The Grey male smiled when seeing how Mark was with his younger half sister, seeing the love in his eyes whenever he looked at Lexie, "Come on, here we go, let's go." Derek cheered as Ryan smiled, "Let's go, Lex!"

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