Anubis (3)

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ᴀɴᴜʙɪ - VIYI.2

Supposedly the Pokémon Riolu is created in reference to the Egyptian god Anubis. Anubis was depicted as a canine, or a man with a canine head. Anubis was the protector of graves, god of funerary rites, and the guide to the underworld.

Each Pokémon could be referenced back to characters or objects in human history, such as Ares who is based off of the chess piece, Hence the name 'Pawniard'. Pawniard has the ability to evolve into a Bisharp, also based off of the chess piece.

This relates back to the average Pawniard's personality, they are highly strategical when battling. They are one of the more intelligent Pokémon in general, since they're based off of chess, which is a game of wits and strategy.

So, going back to present time, I need a name for the new Pokémon I have just caught. Ares is named Ares due to his aggressive nature, I'm wondering if I should use the same pattern I have been using or switch it up?

Since it's a male according to the Pokéwatch, I have decided the Riolu's name..


It seems like a generic name, but it has a nice ring to it.


"Congratulations Ayanokoji, I'm a bit curious to how you caught the Riolu if your Pawniard never left the ball?" It seems professor Liebert has been observing my movements during my time in the forest.

"I found it in an unconscious state." I didn't know he would be this involved with me, is he working for my father?

Professor Liebert has been an interesting case for me ever since I laid my eyes on him. His expression is always unreadable, he also seems to have taken an interest in me for no apparent reason.

Beforehand, when I had to subdue Ares, he was observing me from the corner of the lab. He didn't interfere nor did he attempt to deescalate the situation which is unusual for a professional staff member.

He also stated yesterday after I received Ares, 'I trust that you can handle him, Kiyotaka'. Is there some secret meaning? Is he aware of my capabilities? Or was he just trying to reassure me?

Overthinking this situation will not help me at the moment, I should further observe his movements in order to be aware of his intentions.

"That's very convenient.." There was an eerie silence between us as we were standing on the outskirts of the Safari.

Kamuro was trying to secretly listen in on our conversation, she came back a few minutes ago and decided to hide behind a tree. I could tell Professor Liebert knew she was there as well due to his sudden glance to her position.

"Well, coincidences can be freaky at times." I turned to walk away, professor Liebert grabbed my shoulder before I could return back to campus.

"I believe we still have more to disc-"

"Professor Liebert! Kito needs help!" A class A student came running up to us, causing Professor Liebert to direct his attention to her.

"What's the issue?" He dropped his smile as he adopted a worried look, it was almost superficial due to how genuinely concerned he looked. He is hiding under a facade.

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