Downtime (5)

402 24 17

ᴅᴏᴡɴᴛɪᴍᴇ - YIVI.4

The egg shook once, twice, thrice....

Me, Karim, and Ares were watching the egg rattling on my bed in the dorm in anticipation. I received it after my victory in the Class 1-A tournament.

The top of the grey and blue egg suddenly cracked, and a small metallic figure with a singular red eye poked its head out.

'I recognized the creature immediately; the physical appearance matched that of a Beldum. The steel psychic type should prove quite useful to me once it becomes a metagross; this is quite fortunate.'

"Rtrtrt" The creature let out a metallic cry as it fully removed itself from the egg, immediately falling down to the bed due to its lack of strength.

"Schwww!" Ares seemed to recognize that the Beldum wasn't a threat, lowering his original defense stance.

"Riolu! Riolu!" Karim was a bit more excited about the new potential team member, sniffing the vulnerable Beldum as it rolled around the bed.

I picked up the Beldum by its torso, scanning the creature with my Pokédex while it attempted to break free from my hand. The Pokédex registered the Beldum as unidentified.

"Welcome to the team, Beldum." It was a bland introduction, but hopefully it would get the message.

"Rtrtrt!" The Beldum rattled in my hand once again, sending vibrations up my forearm and to my shoulder.

"Alright, I'll put you down." Beldum suddenly stopped rattling and laid in its prone position, attempting to float.

From my research, a Beldum floats in the air by emitting magnetic waves from its body. This is to repel the earth's magnetic field, allowing the being to float.

Suddenly, it began to float. The creature slowly flew through the air as it inspected me and Karim. Ares seemed to be startled by this and crossed his blades in defense. The Beldum slowly levitated above his head and rested on it.

"SCHHH!" Ares tried to swipe Beldum off, but it was too small, causing the Pawniard to give up and let his new comrade perch on his head.

I'll think of a name later for Beldum; the next best action is to just let it slowly develop in a poke ball and maybe leave it in my dorm temporarily.

Suddenly I got a phone call. Karim heard the vibrations from my pocket, and his ears perked up. Ares also noticed it.

"Hello?" I answered the call as I sat back down on the bed.

"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go to a cafe tomorrow." A feminine voice resounded from the phone.

"That's very unusual of you, Kamuro."

"I'll hang up."

"What's with this sudden invitation? Is there some ulterior motive?"

"Fortunately for you, there isn't; I'm just trying to give my thanks for beating the loli."

"You really don't like her, huh?"

"I absolutely despise her; I cannot do anything out in public without worrying about her watching me."

Kamuro seemed to be afraid of getting stalked by a cripple; it's kind of amusing in a sense.

"Couldn't you just ignore her?"

"Are you kidding me? All day, she constantly harasses me and asks me strange questions. 'Fufu, what are you doing, Kamuro?' 'Fufu, what's your plan today, Kamuro Fufu'. It's always 'fufu' this and 'fufu' that, and it's so fucking annoying! I'm so close to just taking her cane and beating her with it!" Kamuro was venting her thoughts and feelings while I just sat and listened.

COTE: Masterpiece's Pokémon Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя