Raccoon Thirteen

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"But I don't need anything. I don't even celebrate my birthday." 

He had no doubt about that considering how his wife apparently treated him, but...

Reaching over, King hooked an arm around one of Baron's as he tugged the guy forward a bit faster than they had been walking, forcing him to hurry along or risk being dragged. 

"Well I celebrate birthdays, and since it's yours, we're going to go have a bit of fun and find some things that you want, not need," King said as he looked over his shoulder at the exact time a strong gust of wind rustled his dark hair. 

The sensation of warmth he felt from Baron's mind at that moment made him truly feel like what he was doing with their situation was right. He'd been right to take Prince home, and he'd been right to give Baron a chance. 

"Wh-what's that look for?" Baron mumbled as he lifted the fabric of his own borrowed jacket up to cover up to his cute nose as they stepped through the automatic doors. 

King unzipped his jacket since it was warmer inside, then suddenly stepped in front of Baron and grabbed his other hand, forcing him to stop in front of him. 

"It's for you! Now, what do you want to eat?" he asked as he turned a little and pointed at the big sign they'd stopped in front of that listened all of the stores in the mall, including the food court. 

It's been a while since I've been here but man, the Chinese is so good, and the burger place. The pizza was great, too... 

A light chuckle drew his attention to Baron as the man stepped up beside him. 

"What about here?" he asked as he raised his hand and tapped a finger against an unfamiliar restaurant. 

Vietnamese and Thai? 

He'd never had either, but he wasn't going to argue. 

"Sure! Let's go there," he said cheerfully as he began tugging Baron towards the food court, only for the man to quickly overtake his long strides with measured ones of his own until, somehow, he was leading him by the slightest margin. 

I'm... really not used to someone having legs as long as mine. 

Of course, that didn't mean that Baron was going to win! 

King quickly sped up, nearly having to jog a little to overtake the man's pace, only for Baron to speed up again with a slight smirk on his handsome face!


King tried to speed up again, then again, but no matter the pace he set, Baron easily surpassed it by just enough to make his competitive side itch!

By the time they finally got to the food court both of them were panting quietly and while Baron was simply grinning, King was frazzled and trying not to blush as he worked on catching his breath. 

A faint squeeze to his hand was the only notice he got before Baron started walking again, but instead of competing, King allowed himself to be led along like a tired puppy that had finally given up trying to nip at his new leash. 

When they stopped a minute later, he looked up, in a bit of a daze. 

He quickly realized that he didn't know any of the dishes he was seeing on the menu. Even the seasoning on their descriptions was lost on him. 

I have no idea what to get...

To his surprise, Baron stepped forward and easily ordered himself a meal and a few sides, then had King pay before he could even process what was going on. Then, not a moment later, he was being led away. 

Raccoon-(mxm) (Rever series 6)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu