Chapter 16: I'll Grovel If I Have To

Start from the beginning

I went home and decided to sleep off the myriad emotions I am feeling. Still feeling angsty that Aye had not even felt the need to ask me personally about the issue and had not told me about him going to Phuket to see Akk either.


For some reason coming here made me feel nervous and apprehensive. Sand was very upset when he walked out the conference room. I was expecting that but I was also hoping he'd be calm like he usually is. I guess I've tested his patience enough to last us a lifetime.

Nick sent me the address and told me the passcode of the apartment after Thua begged him adding he'll be staying with Boston tonight so Sand and I can freely talk things out. I don't even know where to begin. My usually aggressive attitude is deserting me more and more as the elevator took me closer to Sand's Apartment. Glancing at the groceries I had purchased before coming here, wanting to make Sand dinner and maybe we can finally have a proper conversation afterwards. That is if he doesn't throw me out first.

The apartment was quiet, and I turned on the lights as I went further. It's already 6:30pm, is Sand not yet home? After the tense meeting in the office, I went home to take a shower before deciding I should not wait for another day anymore. I've done so much damage in the last 6 months already. Placing the groceries in the kitchen counter I walked slowly, opening the first door on my left. Judging from the picture of Boston on the dresser, this should be Nick's room. The one on the right is a music room. Soundproofed. The only room left is the one at the end, this should be the master's and Sand's bedroom. Slowly opening it, I saw a sleeping Sand sprawled on top of the sheets, still in his outside clothes. He must be exhausted, because he didn't even notice my presence. I turned to look around the room and it is typical of Sand. Minimalistic and except the luxurious king size bed, the room is sparse, done in white and deep red accents. A record player on top of the dresser and a few autographed posters were framed and hung on the wall.

Walking closer slowly, I smiled at the way his pouty lips are slightly opened. Sand is cute asleep. Thinking about how much I've missed waking up next to him in the morning. Surprised to find a picture of us on his bedside table. This was during our first date, in Pattaya. We were smoking under the coconut trees. I wasn't really looking at the camera but I was smiling. Trying to recall why, but the details are hazy. That's so sweet. I know he moved here about two months after we took a break, so I wasn't expecting to see anything here about me.

Tiptoeing slowly back out, deciding to make dinner so that we can eat when Sand wakes up. Praying I will not be kicked out. The Pasta Primavera is done, and I was in the process of plating the chicken when Sand walked into the kitchen still sleepy and now half naked.

"Nick what smells good? I'm hungry," he said, sitting at the counter.

Smiling, I placed the pasta and chicken in front of him.

"Oh thank God, you're the best! I was starving," he said as he proceeded to eat, still half asleep and not looking up at all. I took out freshly squeezed lemonade juice that I made a while ago while waiting for the pasta to cook and placed it in front of him. Staring at my hand, he finally looked up in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. Putting down his fork and drinking juice. "Where's Nick?"

"With Boston. Before you get mad, can you finish eating first? You said you were starving. I'll leave you alone," I said, removing the apron I was wearing and walking away from the kitchen towards the open balcony.

I've been sitting on the balcony for maybe 30 minutes, chewing on my nails. My confidence had completely deserted me and I was a bundle of nerves that I was shaking my legs too.

The Rockstar & The Balladeer : A SandAyan StoryWhere stories live. Discover now