content warnings + notes

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- imprisonment / being held captive
- war / acts of war
- genocide (history)
- violence and murder
- anxiety / depression
- religion / religious trauma
- cult / cult brainwashing


- enemies to lovers
- forced proximity
- touch them and die
- sharing body heat
- masked mmc
- captive / captor
- slow burn (as slow as I can within a novella)
- chosen one (but, like, morally grey chosen one)
- feminine rage


- OPEN NOVELLA CONTEST: this is my entry into the Open Novella Contest 2024, so it will only be max 40,000 words depending on what happens (but chances of me fleshing this out into a full length novel afterwards are high)
- BLIND FMC: this is the first time I've written a blind character so please give me any feedback if you have some for me
- SCIENCE FICTION: this is also my first time writing sci-fi so again let me know if you have any feedback (there will be a pronunciation guide coming up which is the first time I've had to do one so get keen for that too)
- THE MANDALORIAN: is this novella inspired by the Mandalorian? Yes, obviously, but this is also an original story. While Uhnros is definitely Mando inspired, I've still put a lot of work into worldbuilding and making an original story here. While the Open Novella Contest might have only just opened up for 2024, these characters have been with me for months waiting for a chance to shine, and here it finally is.

The Heretic of Sælonis ||A Sci-Fi Romance Novella||Where stories live. Discover now