4 // shawarma? shawarma.

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Natasha Romanoff POV

Everyone was already there, except for the birdboy. I took a seat and grabbed a bite of some shawarma that had already been ordered. " So Agent Romanoff, how was the past few weeks with Agent Clint? " Cap asked.

" Well, I managed not to kill him, other than that, it was fine." I replied.

" Woah, that was similar to the answer that Agent Clint gave too! Damn you guys have telepathy. " Bruce said, raising his eyebrows at me.

Oh no. Was that true? Did he really say the same thing? I felt as if my cheeks were blushing. I tried changing the topic and asked Tony why were we asked to assemble here.

" Well, we'll only start off the meeting when everyone is here. Agent Clint has not arrived. " Tony said. Argh how long is the birdboy going to take to reach here?

Not long after, a black sports car drove past the shawarma shop and was being parked just outside the shop. Dressed in a grey hoodie jacket and a grey sweatpants and a white converse was a guy, who looked familiar. He turned around and took of his sunglasses. Holy shit it was him. Agent Barton looked hot in that outfit. Then I realized. He wore the same outfit as me! What the?! Grey tee, grey sweatpants and converse ?! Oh no, what would the others think?

Clint Barton POV

Oh my god. She wore the same outfit too? I'm sure its purely coincidental, right? She was blushing like mad. Her hair, it was...was different . It looked stunning.

" Well look what we have here, lovebirds with matching outfits? This was planned right ,Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton?" Tony the asshole asked, raising an eyebrow at us.

Oh no , what was I supposed to say? This. Is. Embarrassing. She was avoiding any possible eye contact, just eating some shawarma.

" Yes, that was planned. " I blurted out. WHAT WAS I THINKING OH MY GOD?! SHE WOULD PROBABLY KILL ME. ARGH ME AND MY BIG MOUTH. I felt my cheeks turning red.

" OOOOOOOOOOO WE HAVE LOVEBIRDS HERE!! WHATS THE SHIPNAME? " Cap, Bruce, Thor and Tony asked together, giving us looks. Oh no, I'm gonna regret this .

I could see how much anger was boiling inside her. She shot a glare at me, sending me a death glare. I felt stupid. Very stupid, but my heart was jumping with joy of the thought that they asked for the shipname. What was I going to say ? " Um, clintasha? "
That wasn't that bad, right?

" I SHIP CLINTASHA !! They all said, smiling. She was emotionless and excused herself to the ladies. I had to follow her, incase they started asking me weird questions. I followed her and stopped her just as she was about to enter the toilet.

I pushed her against one of the walls. "What the hell were you thinking, Agent Barton? I'm gonna be in such deep trouble. " She said as her cheeks was flushing red and continued giving me the Blackwidow death glare.

" I'm sorry, Nat. But I could not take it anymore. I think of you every now and then, and its killing me inside. No matter how much I distract myself , I cant seem to stop thinking about you. Day or night, rain or shine, you're always on my mind. Ever since day one when Agent Fury had introduced me to you, I could not take my eyes off you. My heart races every time I'm with you. Natasha Romanoff, this may sound cheesy but, will....will yo..you be my girlfriend? I swear I will love you no matter what happens. "

" Is this a joke? What do you think?" Oh no , i sense rejection. Me and my stupid mouth.

Natasha Romanoff POV

" Of course Agent Barton ! Ever since day one, when I saw you, I could not take my mind off you. No matter what I did , you were always on my mind. But we cant let this affe..." My sentence was interrupted by his lips. He smashed his lips on mine. Fireworks sparked in our mouths. I've never felt like this before. I...Is th....this lov..love?
He placed his hands on my neck and the other on my back. I placed my hand on his head and combed through his messy hair. Soon, he pulled back. That was amazing.

" Oh Natasha, you're so cute. Lets go, before they suspect anything. " He said as he held my hand and interlocked mine with his. It was placed perfectly , as if it was made for mine. We headed back to the shop, with hands held together.

I honestly did not expect that to happen. And damn,he was a great kisser. Clintasha sounds pretty good too, I said smiling to myself, probably looking like some moron.

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