"I will give you until tomorrow to think about it. If you can't make up your mind, then survive here alone. It's either you ran away again or move forward" and with that, he disappeared like he was never there conversing with me.

Morning came and I was still by the fire place. I haven't slept a bit. I was thinking about the old man's words and also too alert to take a nap. There were no monsters appeared last night. It was so peaceful as if this place is protected by an invisible shield but I still wasn't able to rest. The sun here is closer than Earth's but the temperature is mild and not too hot. Is it the same sun in earth?
The air here is cool and fresh, untouched and doesn't reek of capitalism. All I have is a fur blanket left by the old man to protect my self from cold.

I groaned when my stomach rumbled and made an embarrassing noise. I need to find something to eat as soon as possible.

"You must already be hungry. It should be lunch time in Earth's"

I jerked and fisted the blanket with my hands when I suddenly heard the old man standing on the side, appearing like a wind again.

"Sir, please stop doing that" I held unto my chest and squeezed my eyes.

"You need to get used to it. You will learn it soon, anyway"

I immediately turned around, curious.

"I will learn to walk like Dracula?"

"I don't know who Dracula is but he sounds like a fine human to be able to do the shadow steps"

I grimaced. He knows earth language but he doesn't know who Dracula is.

"Shadow steps, huh? Is it something like stealth?"

I at least know stealth from the games I played before.

"Stealth is concealing your presence. But you can also combine the two"

I nodded and watched him took out a small transparent bottle and threw it in my direction where I was still seating. I instinctively catched it and stared at it.

"Drink one drop to heal any injury" he said as if reading the questions in my mind.

"Is this safe to drink by a mere human like me?" I held it up and scan the sparkling water inside it.

Something white jelly-like is swimming in it. I shiver at the thought of drinking it but I can't help myself and be curious. If I die here, then I die. I opened the lid of it and closed my eyes before drinking a drop of it. I covered my nose by pinching it and tried to swallow the drop. It doesn't taste anything but it was still disgusting because it smells like an inside of a dead fish.

I sighed when the struggle finished and saw that the bruises and cuts on my feet are slowly healing and there was no trace of it anymore, even scars. I gasped and covered my mouth. I held the bottle and looked at it for the second time. I'm holding a genie in the bottle! How much would it cost if I sell this in earth? I tapped my feet and felt it alive again feeling no extra pain.

So, the old man's not a con artist? He seems reliable. Though I know he tried to coax me into his plan.

"Have you made up your mind?"

"If I receive your will, what would happen to me?" I blurted out and he turned to me satisfied of my question. He sat down and pulled out the same kind of bird I ate last night and started dissecting it again. I shook my head trying not to focused on the dissection process so much.

"We were born from anything that describes the worlds. Others are born from wrath, destruction, or greed. Some are from peace, sadness, and happiness. Only few of us remained in our physical form. Others dissipated along the wind and was never seen again. We take any forms and we morphed into it"

The Will of ChaosWhere stories live. Discover now