Chapter 7: The End Of The Beginning

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It's another day at the Saderan Empire expedition force. It's already a week after their first initial attack to the world beyond the gate.

The levvies, although they filling their time with training, are getting restless. They starting to get impatient. After getting more training, they grew more arrogant. Sometimes they challenged the legionnaires, and at some occasion, they would yelling at them especially the survivor of the first wave for being imcompetence.

After all, the levvies didn't saw the horror of the battle in their first initial attack. It was well-known common sense in Falmart that demi-human are inferior towards human. A human is the most superior creature in the world, and whoever born as non-human are less intelligent.

With their renewed skill and combat proficiency, the levy troops thought that the army of orcs beyond the gate were nothing more than a simple-minded brute force.

That's why they are getting impatient to start another offensive move. They are impatient to plunder whatever nation beyond the gate.

And that mentality, would soon become the most troublesome factor in this campaign.

But while the levvies are getting arrogant, the higher-ups couldn't spare their focus on it. They were busy preparing for another offensive move, and they endorse themselves at whatever opportunity arises.

It was a middle of the day when the sun is set at it's highest.

Marquis Kallios held another war council, and probably the last after many council has been held. He was finished on preparing his own strategy and couldn't wait to present it to other generals. He wanted to finish out this situation and start the conquest.

In the war council, he immediately took everyone's attention and keep his explanation in simple.

He re-draw the map from Count Formal enlarge the scale, he mark the possible enemy position and directing the troops to where he expecting.

"First we will exhaust their front row or at least taking their attention. My suggestion is to use the large number of levvies since the goal wasn't to breaking the enemy's row but to simply buying time. We already knew from general Agnius's story that these damned orcs are stubborn and heavily armored. We wouldn't be able to break them from a frontal assault, and that's why we would destroy them from another angle."

"You mean their flanks? General Agnius had already tried to encircle them from every direction but none of it works." One of the generals criticise.

"No, my friend. We won't break them from their flanks. We will break them from behind."

"Behind? How?"

"See this map? Here we are, just dozen meters from the riverside. This is where the gate located, our exit. Laid upon us is a plain grassfield, but the truth is this place were surrounded by trees. We're in the middle of the forrest. And that's our chance."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Remember the first step? While our levvies are taking the enemy's attention, we will use our cavalry to do a huge flanking through the forest and appeared on their backs. Our cavalry would silently move in their left flank and strike them from behind."

"Then, in my prediction, there are no kind of army who would stand on their position in that situation. They could be surrender, or retreat. And, if they retreated, I assume they would retreated to their camp. But," Marquis Kallios grinned, "I also planned to raid their camps before they could retreated. That's why, I suggest we create another contingent for the enemy camp raiders."

The whole room listening to his plan, some are trying to think to criticise, but most are already in agreement. The patrician in particular, had already set up their mind to where they would join.

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