Identity Revealed

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Izuku got in a fighting position and ready to fight

Ejiro:Cool. You have fake villains as well.

Eraserhead:They aren't fake. 13 protect the students! Spider-Man, you're with me.

Izuku nodded



Katsuki, Katsumi and Ejiro charged at the villains, but they were teleported by a mist villain

Izuku:Why they must be so Idiots?

13:Kaminari, try to contact UA.

Denki:I'm trying, but it's not working.

Izuku:Someone must cut our communications. But I wonder. Claire, call Nick Fury.

(Claire is the A.I. of Izuku suit)

Claire managed to contact Nick fury

Nick:Spider-Man, what is the meaning of this?

Izuku:I'm sorry, Fury. But it's an emergency. I'm at the USJ with Class 1A, Eraserhead and 13, but some villains came out of nowhere. They're to much much to handle.

Nick:Say no more. Iron-Man is still in Japan. I'll talk to him.

Nick talked with Tony

Nick:Spider-Man, Ironman will be here in 30 minutes. Try to resist until then.

Izuku:Got it.

The the Mist guy came and teleported every student(-expect for Ochako, Mina, Mezo and Tenya)

Kurogiri:Now to you.

13:I don't think so. Black Hole.

13 fight Kurogiri(Canon)

Izuku and Eraserhead dashed at the villains

Izuku begin to punch the villains, while weeb some of them to the ground

Eraserhead was deactivating Quirks and defeat villains

Villain790:Who's that?

Villain856:Why isn't my Quirk working?

Villain957:Idiots. That's Eraserhead. His Quirk is canceling ours.

Then the Villain with 4 arms came

4 Arms Villain:True, but his Quirk it's not working on me.

Izuku:No, but I do.

The Villain turned and he only saw Spider-Man kicked him in the face

Then Izuku weeb his back, pull him and slam him on the ground

Eraserhead:Thanks Spider-Man.

Izuku:No problem.

They resumed their fighting

Meanwhile with Izumi

Izumi, Tsuyu and Minoru manage to escape the Villains from the water

Back to Izuku

Him and Eraserhead manged to defeat most of the villains

Then the man with blue hair who's name is Tomura dashed and touch Eraserhead elbow, starting to decaying it

Tomura:Very cool, Eraserhead. You and Spider-Man managed to defeat most of our mans. And I think I discovered you'r Quirk. It's you'r hair.

Eraserhead punch Tomura

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