Class Rep And USJ

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No one pov

Izuku is weeb-swinging around the city

Then he saw how a truck driver lost control of the truck

Izuku quickly goes to the truck and weeb the wheels to try to slow it down

Then Izuku got the driver out who was unconscious, after that Izuku got in front of the truck and hold it to stop it

The truck managed to stop before it crashes into a store

Owner:Thanks Spider-Man.

Izuku:I was just doing my job.

Then All Might and Green Storm came


Izuku then goes to All Might and punch him in the face, shocking everyone

All Might was surprised that he felt the punch

Izuku:Where the fuck have you been!? Did you sign autographs again or doing interviews!? While you were doing the celebrity, I risked my life to protect civilians!

GS:Spider-Man, let's calm down.

Izuku:You shut the hell up, Whore! You're the same like this idiot. 2 pathetics peoples who think they're Heroes just because they have a powerful Quirk. While I'm Quirkless and I risked my life more times than I can count. If you'll be the only Heroes available when I'll needed help, then I rather go alone.


Izuku crawl on the wall to leave

Izuku:Not that desperate! Never that desperate!

Izuku:Not that desperate! Never that desperate!

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Izuku leave the 2 idiots and goes home

He deactivated his suit and called Tony Stark

Izuku:Tony, is ready?

Tony:Yes. I got all the recordings from Aldera about what they did to you and others like you and those who were called freaks or villains. I'm coming to give them to you.

Izuku:Thank you for you'r help, Tony. With this proofs I'm going to shut down Aldera.

Tony:No problem. Hisashi helped me a lot in the past, I'm just returning the favor.

Izuku ended the call and got suit up

Izuku ended the call and got suit up

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Izuku Midoriya-Spider-ManWhere stories live. Discover now