6| The Taste of Power

Start from the beginning

While he gawked at someone's ass, he failed to notice the man with a pocket knife coming at him. Going for a kill. Unfortunately for the man, he had chosen the wrong side where to stab. People easily overlooked the obvious vibranium arm.

Bucky's Winter Soldier reflexes were turned on and he caught the man's arm with his 'super' arm. He pacified him in a blink of an eye, with super soldier serum flowing in his veins, indeed it would take a second. whack• Another unconscious body on the floor.

Seems like bad habits die hard, Michelle though until he took care of the last man. However, while he was in his own world, she managed to take care of the rest of the mafia squad.

"You are slow," she expressed her opinion, for he nearly got himself killed. Bucky turned his head to her and corners of his mouth lifted. He smiled and without a delay his right hand went to rub his nape. "Well... Some time had passed since my early days."

For a second she felt a wave of relief, like a massive burden was lifted from back. Michelle didn't expected him to react that way. On one hand he fought like a Winter soldier, but on the other hand, this was a completely different person.

And this conflicted her motives, but it didn't mattered now, they are dead anyways... All she could give them was a revenge.

"Police is on a way," announced Rafael.

"Let's get away form here. Sis, you coming?"

"I have some unfinished business, go ahead." After that a cracking sound was heard, meaning that her brothers cut of their connection.

Michelle turned back to Bucky only to see him staring at her. What an awful habit. He blinked a few time realising what he was doing and looked at the floor below them.

"Where is your partner?" She voiced as she followed his gaze. Only then she noticed, the said partner, Sam Wilson, being dragged away. "Well, shit."

"Anyway the police is coming, so we better do something before they make some stupid decision."

She looked throughout the room and her eyes landed on one particular weapon, while Bucky's eyes (landed on her ehem...) followed her with every single move.

It should be filled with darts, but a little assurance never hurts. She stepped closer and detached the magazine. A pleased expression was seen on her face when she attached it back.

"So... let's have it your way, mister Barnes~," slowly she made her way back to him, handing him the gun, "no killing~."

Bucky's eyes widened at her wicked smile along with a gun in her hands.


Watching form sidelines, how eventful.

"Man, I want drama t-," he wasn't even able to finish. Two men were dragging a dead body out of the mansion's backdoor.

"Well, hello there," he whispered while biting his lip. What can he say. Rafael Moreno is a sucker for drama and unfortunately, he is not getting enough.

With his keen eyes he was able to see from great distances, but in dark enviroment it wasn't the best. The eagle DNA serum he received was too lame.

Obviously, he just wasn't aware of the endless benefits of his mutation, but let's talk about this later.

Raff was observing the scene before him for a bit more, until he decided to make his appearance. Both men dropped the dead body and turned to him, however they were not as fast as Rafael. He took his gun out and shot both of them in the legs.

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