"I will, she gave me her number so I'm gonna call her." I told him. "Of course, and when your ready you can tell her your secret." Dad told me. I smiled as I went to my room where I have my guitar standing next to my bed while I have a gaming set up in my room. I took off the sweater, now I'm only in my shorts and sports bra. I texted Rae and she texted back making me smile as we kept texting each other until we had to go since she is about to eat dinner so we sadly had to stop. She made me stop thinking about the rejection of Leah and made me whole and happy again.

I went to the kitchen and helped my dad set the table as Xolo was watching cartoons. "Xolo, dinner is ready!" I called to him. Xolo shut off the tv and went to the table as I gave him his food. I grabbed a large amount of food and set it on my plate since dad knows it make more food for me as I have a big appetite. We talked as I told them about my imprint with a big smile on my face. "Maybe you should invite her over, I want to meet her." Dad said. "Me too! I want to know my sister's imprint." Xolo said excitedly. "I know you do pup." I said as I rubbed Xolo head affectionately.

Once dinner was over I went outside to patrol around the area. I shifted and went on high alert as I walked through the woods when I saw Rae. She saw me and looked shocked. "Holy shit. Please don't hurt me." Rae said. I whimpered a little accidentally scaring my imprint. I bent down and silently crawled to her. Rae seems to not be afraid so she pet me making me purr in content. "Your not bad, big wolfie." Rae told me until I smelled a disgusting smell of a bloodsucker.

"Awe, look at this. A delicious snack and a disgusting mutt." I heard making me look up and see a filthy bloodsucker making me growl at him. "Awe, did I make the puppy angry?" He taunted as I see his eyes filled with hunger as he looked at my imprint. Rae backed up in fear as I got up to my full height and growled at him. He hissed at me before he attacked me but I grabbed his arm and tore it off before he swiped me into a tree making me whimper. "Wolfie!" Rae screamed out.

I was in pain and trying to recover knowing I could heal in a second. I see the leech coming up to my imprint. "Now, I'm gonna enjoy killing you." The man said wickedly. I growled and ran up to him knocking him down. He tried to fight me but I was too strong before I tore his head off making him go limp, I spat his head to the ground in disgust. I looked at my imprint before going behind a tree and phased back. I put on shorts and a sports bra and walked out and see Rae looked at me in shock. "You're a wolf!?" Rae asked me. "Yeah. And that guy that was trying to attack you, he was a vampire. It was my job as a shifter to protect humans and imprints." I told her.

She still looks shocked as I grabbed a lighter from my pocket and set the vampire on fire destroying it forever. "The only way to kill the vampires for good is tear them apart and burn them." I explained to her. Rae looked at me before she hugged me. "Thank you, for protecting me." Rae cried out. "There is also something you should know about wolves like me. We have this thing when we imprint on someone. It kinda like a soul mate for us shifters." I explained to her. She looked up at me. "Who is your imprint?" She asked me as the fire died out.

We walked through the woods. "My first imprint was a girl back in LA Push, Washington on the reservation named Leah Clearwater she was also a shifter like me and we both imprinted on each other, but she rejected me." I explained to her sadly. "Who is your second imprint?" Rae asked me as I looked at her. "It's you, the second we bumped into each other and locked eyes I imprinted on you." I told her as she looked shocked at the new information. "That's why I felt a pull towards you." Rae said with a smile. "Yeah, and we could be anything you want, I could be a friend, a sister, a protector or lover. It's all up to you." I explained to her. "Well since we just met how about we be friends and let's see where it takes us. I'm not gonna reject you like Leah did." Rae told me as I smiled at her. "If you don't mind me asking what happened to your arm?" Rae asked she looked at my scarred arm.

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