Chapter 3

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Year: 2007
Y/n age: 15 years old


I looked into the mirror and see the scars that Sam left on me, I've never been more afraid of my brother who I knew my whole life. I've been insecure about my scars and sometimes wear long sleeves so people won't look at it. Most days I'm out in the woods patrolling as I left the pack and now I'm a lone wolf. It feels nice not having anyone hear my thoughts out loud. My dad has a small cabin house that I would be able to run freely in my wolf form. I was walking around Seattle when I accidentally bumped into someone. "I am so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." The girl said. "It's all good." I said.

Me and the girl looked at each other and then I froze. I saw flashes of our life together, us having kids, me and her playing video games with our friends and her attending concerts to see me, and then us getting married. I realized the ancestors granted me a second imprint, I just couldn't help but thanked them in my head for that. I snapped back in reality when the girl looked at me confused but a slight blush made her way to her cheeks. "I'm sorry, I'm Y/n Uley." I introduced myself. "I'm Rachel Hofstetter but I like to be called Rae." Rae said. "That's a lovely name." I said making her blush as I smiled as I stared at my imprint in admiration.

"I know we just met but it feels like I have a weird pull towards you, so maybe we should get something to eat and get to know each other a little better and also for literally running into you." Rae rambled making me smile at her. "Yeah, of course. I'm still getting used to Seattle since me, my dad and little brother moved her a couple months ago." I explained to her. Me and Rae headed to McDonald's because we're teenagers and we don't need no fancy restaurant and probably we are not rich. When Rae finished ordering her food I started to order some 3 Big Mac's, four double cheeseburgers with no onions, two large fries and a large Coke. I payed for our food and we sat down. "That was a lot of food. You sure you can eat it?" Rae asked me still shocked at how much I ordered.

"I love to eat a lot." I told her. We started to get to know each other like how she wants to start a twitch channel and play games while I told her I post cover songs on YouTube for fun since I made a new account about a month ago. When we were talking our orders came and I ate my food as she talks about herself. I finished all my food and soda as she stared at me in shock. "Damn, I thought I was a foodie. I guess I have competition with you." Rae said as we both laughed. Then Rae got a text so she checked it. "I have to go but here is my number." Rae said as she grabbed a napkin and wrote down her number and gave it to me. "Text me later." Rae said as she got up and left.

I smiled to myself as I left McDonald's and ran into the woods and phased. I ran as I watched Rae and what looks like her mom in a car. I followed them to make sure no bloodsucker is nearby. Once I made sure they made it safely home I ran back to the cabin where I see Xolo playing outside. Once he saw my wolf form he smiled and ran to hug me. "You're back, Y/n!" Xolo said. I huffed in response and went down so he could pet me. Xolo found out a couple months ago that I shifted and so dad told him the legends and knew I was a shifter. "I can't wait until I shift, then we can run in the woods together." Xolo said. It's gonna be a while if he is gonna shift, so I'm waiting for that day to come.

I looked at my little brother in content, he so badly wants to shift so he could protect humans like I do. Xolo let go of me so I could shift back. I went behind a tree and phased back and out on shorts and a sleeveless sweater. I walked out as I picked up Xolo and walked into the cabin where we see dad make dinner. "Hey, kiddos. Dinner should be ready in a few." Dad told us. "Ok, and dad I need to tell you something." I said as I set Xolo down so he could go to his room. Dad nodded and looked at me. "I imprinted on this girl named Rachel Hofstetter." I said excitedly. Dad looks so happy for me that he hugged me tightly. "I'm so proud that you found a second imprint. That is rare so keep her close, Y/n." Dad told me.

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