(11) Mystery Man

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All the guys had set up baby Kalin's room before the delivery. It was a baby blue color --typical -- with cloud designs. It had a whole bunch of stuff in it so baby Kalin won't get bored. The room wasn't a complete room, it didn't have a closet and it was good because Keli didn't want any creepy shit happening with her kid alone, in a room with a closet.. Anyways, they put the crib in their room so they could make sure he didn't climb out or whatnot.

"Babe. That's OUR son," Klay held Keli's hand as they watched the baby swing put him to sleep.

"Yeah, crazy to think about it. He looks just like you," Keli smiled.

"He has your eyes," Klay leaned his head on Keli's.


Next few months passed with having Kalin. He was about 5 months old.

Klay's POV

I kept a positive mind set through every practice. I know I'd come home to my babies. I just knew my life would be good after practice... I knew Keli wasn't cheating on me, I kept sander and his wife in the bay. He moved out here just so that he could watch her.. Keep her safe for her dad... Everything worked out..

"Klay, so me and the guys have been brainstormin for you...." Steph explained after practice. Iggy rubbed his hands together and smiled.

"What?" Was all I thought.. what could be so important.

"Keli..." Steph nodded.

"Oh! Right!"

"So, we were thinking... half time," Steph looked into space. "We could bring her out onto the court and you could get like a customized ball that could open up with a ring inside it, while you propose?"

"So like instead of a box with a ring, it would be like one of those poke balls from Pokemon?!" I laughed but the idea was good, I liked where it was going.

"Well we haven't thought everything through... But yeah," the guys said.

The guys talked more after practice and I stayed for that.

***while at home***

Baby Kalin was being a good baby, he only cried when he had poo. When he was hungry he tugged at My shirt. Or whoever was holding him. Kalin was quiet most of the time he liked to crawl back and forth a lot.

"Baby!!" I picked him up and threw him in the air leaving him smiling and giggling. He made noises only. Kalin made me so happy, he was my little boy.

Klay opened the door and saw me playing with Kalin. Klay was all dried with sweat and nasty on him..

"Go shower boyy!!" I looked at Klay who tried hugging me. I did my crazy kicking thing where he had no chance of getting to me. Kalin watched us play fight, he was amused.

In all honesty, I thought this was going to be a drag but so far it has been fine. Kalin was good, he never woke up crying-- well he does once in a while but not every single day.


Alesha came by their house to check on Keli and the baby. Alesha was totally in love with Kalin.

Liam broke up with her not too long ago. He told her he wanted to break up for a long time, which sucks because she's wanted a kid with him but you know.... Which is why she visits me a lot more!

So Alesha has been seeing the world but only with Liam, after so many years, now she's all alone.

"How are you girly?" Keli sat with Alesha and Kalin while he was falling asleep in her arms.

"I'm fine, I've been going with my girlfriends everywhere.. Life is good," Alesha hid her tears.

"Ima find you a boo!"

Alesha sighed.

Alesha knew Keli, going for the people who are well-known, picking people way out of her league. Alesha had a different taste than Keli.

"You're probably going to set me up with one of Klay's friends," Alesha rolled her eyes.

"What about my friends?" Klay walked down from the stairs.

"Your baby mama aboutta set me up with one of your friends!" Alesha laughed.

"Now that I think if it, I don't think any of the Warriors are trynna find someone.... But my friends....." Klay smirked.

"Alesha!!! I know!!! You could date Patrick," Keli banged the table continuously.

"Ayyeee, the homie!" Klay laughed.

Alesha sat there, rocking kalin to sleep..

"We'll set you up!!"

"Patrick was my homie. He's chill but really to himself. I don't know how we became friends but we did and he's pretty cool," Klay explained.

Alesha shrugged, "I'll give him a chance.."

The three brainstormed a plan during Christmas time which was when it was going to go down, in just two weeks.

"This calls for a shopping dayyyyy!" Alesha raised her hands and Keli just played along with it.

Christmas time was going to be celebrated at Klay's since they were the ones to have a new baby. Plus, Klay's house was able to fit his and Keli's families in.

**Shopping day**

Alesha and Keli had been talking about Klay and when he was going to propose. Keli's favorite thing ever since she was younger was to plan her future, she loved that.

((( their shopping outfits are shown on my polyvore #9&#10 CHECK IT OUT --shellaaay)))

"So do you think he's going to do it soon?" Alesha asked.

"It doesn't matter but I hope he does do it soon," Keli moved her ponytail.

They sat at a outside restaurant and something told Alesha she didn't go out to but clothes to impress "Patrick" but to find someone else.....

& There he was, the guy who spilled his drink all over her, for the good.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, let me help you with that." He lifted his head and locked eyes with Alesha.

She was speechless. He held hand out and helped her up.

"Are you alright, babe?" He picked her up and looked into her soul basically "imprinting" on her like what Jacob did in twilight.

"Uhh-- yes I'm fine," Alesha was mesmerized by his face and his... EVERYTHING.

"Let me pay for your dinner then, it's the least I could do." He offered.

"No, really it's cool. I have to be getting back to my sister!" Alesha scurried away leaving the mystery man empty handed.

Your feedback is great, I love you guys!

Okay another question, I think I'm going to do questions after every chapter. Anyways: who should be Alesha's new boyfriend!!

I'm so excited!!!!!


Also leave ideas how Klay should propose to Keli and when and just give me some things I should add to the story!!

-Alesha's new boy toy (preferably a celebrity or athlete)

Thank you all for reading, I know I'm uploading pretty fast... Please just keep being a good audience<3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2015 ⏰

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