Chapter 7

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(Blair) *sitting on steps carving on bow*

(Agnarr) princess

(Blair) *looking up* agnarr what brings you over?

(Agnarr) I have a request

(Blair) it is?

(Agnarr) do you want to build a snowman?

(Blair) but it's not winter agnarr it's nearing fall

(Agnarr) I am son of elsa arandelle all I need to do is take my gloves off and let it snow

(Blair) I'll join you

(Agnarr) follow me I saw a river near by we may go there

(Blair) hamison I'll be back later before sunset with agnarr

(Hamison) be safe sister

(Blair) I will *walking with agnarr* so Agnarr what is your story?

(Agnarr) well I am the son of elsa queen of the forests one of the many elements, my mother was hidden behind a door for sixteen years hiding her powers from my aunt after loosing my grandfather and grandmother so much changed over the years for them and as my mother got older she wanted to pass down the family name my aunt had Anne and Kris named after her and her husband but my mother had my sister and I she passed down my grandfather's name so I am agnarr the second and my sister is named after my grandmother Iduna the second we were raised by the forests and a mix of my aunt castle but we were picked by your mother and father to come here as suitors for you and your brother

(Blair) it's a great story

(Agnarr) *walking by river* here we are *pulling off gloves*

(Blair) you wear gloves like your mother?

(Agnarr) I'd rather not touch a princesses hand with ice cold hands *freezing lake* I can control my power my mother always taught me that so I wouldn't loose control

(Blair) is it safe to go on?

(Agnarr) *sliding on ice* yes princess *holding hand out* care to join me?

(Blair) *holding agnarrs hand ice skating* woah

(Agnarr) you've got it princess

(Blair) I've never skated on ice

(Agnarr) *twirling Blair around* you are doing great though

(Blair) I'm nervous

(Agnarr) *holding arms around blair* it's alright your doing good

(Blair) *looking up at agnarr* you are handsome though you match your mothers looks with thee white hair and beautiful eyes

(Agnarr) you are beautiful though thee blue eyes and wavy black hair with a mix of ginger of your mother theirs a spark in you a flame mixed with someone of ice

(Blair) me mother chose her freedom to do things before the choosing of her king after thee age of twenty she called thee lords back and chose her rightful husband my father follows behind me mother because he believes she is thee main ruler head of thee kingdom my father wishes to follow behind a strong queen with a king by her side as a protector

(Agnarr) if you had to chose who would it be?

(Blair) I've been nervous on choosing as a princess raised to have her own destiny and choice so I never knew if I wanted a prince yet but with this all happening I felt ready to make a choice to find me self a prince I'd want as me next king ruling with me but me choice may be you your a prince who's reached out to me a man ready to save me thee day yee met me

(Agnarr) if it wasn't for Hansen then you wouldn't have seen my heroic skills

(Blair) your right *sitting on grass* we should head back soon

(Agnarr) would you like to see how I make the ice disappear?

(Blair) yes

(Hansen) *watching from bridge* he's trying to win over a princess who hardly even wants a prince

(Agnarr) *holding hands out* love *rising snowflakes forming into large snowflake* it's easy

(Blair) that's amazing

(Agnarr) *turning snowflake into mist* there we go

(Blair) you have great power agnarr

(Agnarr) I take after my mother

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