Chapter 34: Keep Your Hands Off Our Light!

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"WHAAAAT?" Mickey, Donald and Goofy ask in surprise.

"I sensed something was amiss nearly the moment Sora and Riku departed. Xehanort must have known what we were attempting before we even began." Yen Sid explains.

"But you do know where they are?" Goofy asks.

"You must understand, this examination is in no way how the Mark of Mastery is usually found. However, in light of what they must do next... it was a necessity. If Sora and Riku complete their test, by finding the seven doors corresponding to the seven pure lights, they will return home with a new power. At that point, they will both be true masters. However, the dangers make this more trial than test." Yen Sid explains.

"But are they safe right now?" Mickey inquires.

"Considering their ability, I would like to believe that they are. However, all my attempts to locate Sora and Riku end... questionably." Yen Sid explains.

"Roxas..." Ruby whispers as she gulps. Her hand shakes and Axel grabs it to reassure her.

"Xehanort is a devious tactician. There is nothing we can do that he will not, to some extent, be able to predict." Yen Sid continues.

"So..." Mickey begins.

"As you can see, the Organization's members are complete people again. Xehanort will be no different. We cannot afford another moment's hesitation. We must consider any strategy to outwit Xehanort and catch him off guard. I must warn you again - the road will not be easy." Yen Sid concludes.

"Fine. Let's jump right in." Axel explains.

[A Few Days Later]

Ruby and Axel appear to help. Axel creates a wall of flames and Ruby creates a protective barrier as well. They were protected from the explosion created. Ruby grabs Sora and holds him against her.

"They made it!" Mickey exclaims.

"NO!" Xemnas yells.

"AXEL!" Braig exclaims.

"Axel? Nah. The name's Lea. Got it memorized?" Axel asks.

"You're not supposed to be here!" Braig states.

"Promises to keep, I'll always be there to get my friends back." Axel states, "What? Bad timing? You had your perfect little script, but you kinda forgot to write the sequel."

"And you forgot about one thing, Xehanort!" Ruby replies.

"What's that?" Xehanort asks.

"The Princess of Friendship!" Ruby yells.

"Now let's find out what happens!" Axel yells.

"What now, you old coot?" Braig asks, "Our time is up!" Ruby looks around.

"Axel watch out!" Ruby yells. Axel looks over as an Organization member who had his hood up and attacks Axel. Ruby was standing behind Axel. Saïx's weapon appears and Ruby's eyes widened. Axel defends in time.

"Ïsa!" Axel exclaims. Axel is forced down over Ruby and Sora. Ruby was getting squished. Axel looks at Ruby and she grabs onto him. Axel shoves Isa back long enough for him to jump and dodge the attack. Mickey and Riku free themselves. Axel held Ruby by the waist while Ruby had Sora in her arms practically leaning over her shoulder.

"Why are you here, Axel?" Riku asks.

"No, I told you my name's - Agh, whatever, Axel, fine." Axel states.

"I told you." Ruby states, "Always going to be Axel."

"Now let's get outta here!" Axel states.

"Right!" Mickey replies. Suddenly a Heartless Guardian comes out of the evil Ansem and grabs Riku and Mickey. Ruby gasps in shock as she could see a dimmed heart. The face of a male appears in her head. A male reaching out for her.

'Use your friendship!' A voice calls out to her and she gasps. It was the male's voice. She didn't know who he was, but she felt a connection to him somehow. Like a far off memory deep inside her mind.

"PATH OF FRIENDSHIP!" Ruby yells and suddenly a portal opens up to reveal Donald and Goofy who land on the Guardian and he releases Riku and Mickey.

"Were we supposed to do that?" Donald asks.

"Donald! Goofy! You rode my path of friendship!" Ruby exclaims.

"I think so." Goofy replies.

"Goofy, Donald! You saved us!" Mickey exclaims.

"We are out of time. Neither the union of light, nor darkness has been achieved, and we must all return whence we came." Xehanort states.

"Huh?" Ruby asks.

"But the gathering of the seven and thirteen is nigh. Let us finish this at the fated place, once your lights and my darkness have joined together!" Xehanort explains before he vanishes.

[Later - Yen Sid's Castle]

The group leaves the World that Never Was and quickly returns to Yen Sid's tower. They give their report to Yen Sid. Yen Sid thinks about it. Axel was off by himself. Ruby was standing near him but not that close to him.

"Seven lights, thirteen darknesses... Xehanort has been busy." Yen Sid repeats after the group tells him.

"Awe, Sora. Don't tell me your heart's sleeping too." Mickey states.

"No, Mickey. This affliction is not the same." Yen Sid assures him.

"The same?" Ruby asks.

"That's a long story." Mickey explains.

"Can we do anything for him?" Riku asks.

"In your Mark of Mastery exam, you were to unlock seven Sleeping Keyholes. By doing so, you would awaken those worlds from their prison of slumber, while also acquiring the power to free a heart from its sleep. Riku, you unlocked those keyholes within Sora's dreams. Therefore, it stands to reason that you now have the power to awaken Sora's heart." Yen Sid begins.

"You want him to dive back into Sora's sleep?" Mickey asks. "But Master, Sora's heart is down in the darkest abyss. If Riku's not careful, he might just get trapped down there with him. No... I'll go instead."

"Could I... Go with?" Ruby asks.

"You do not have the power." Yen Sid explains.

"Right but... Sora's Heart, the hearts inside... I have connections to them." Ruby explains, "Roxas..."

'Xion...' Ruby's thoughts say.

"It could very well succeed. The power of friendship is beyond our understanding. I'm not going to be able to stop you, am I?" Yen Sid asks.

"I'm sorry, Master, but no." Ruby replies.

"Mickey... I really appreciate it. But... I'll go wake Sora up." Riku assures Mickey.

"Riku..." Mickey objects.

"Look at his face. Sleeping like nothing's wrong - like there's nothing to even worry about. He's always been like that. The three of us would agree to work on the raft, and then this guy would go take a nap on the beach. It's my job to keep him on his toes." Riku explains, "Besides, what kind of Keyblade Master sleeps through his test? I'm doing it for me, too. Sora saved me once. And... I heard him call my name. He needs me."

"There's something real strong that binds us to each other. Even in the darkness, you can reach him." Mickey explains.

"And I'll reach Roxas." Ruby replies.

"All you gotta do is follow that connection!" Mickey exclaims.

"Gee, we're all connected to Sora." Goofy explains.

"You said it!" Donald exclaims, raising his wing-hand up.

"And if the darkness gets ya, I promise I'll bail you out." Axel replies.

"My hero." Ruby explains.

"Dark rescue's my middle name." Axel states.

"Guys, thank you. Sora, Ruby and I will be back soon." Riku states. Riku moves over and Ruby places her hand on Riku's shoulders. As Riku activates his keyblade and unlock the way into Sora's heart, the three of them begin to glow. A weird thing appears and Riku and Ruby vanish.

Key to the Heart - A Kingdom Hearts Fanfic!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن