School Festival, Inko's song and Ashido's worried

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Sakura had everything set already for the school Festival making Jirou to sing with four band members while the rest is going to dance making them to cheer as Jirou blushes as this is going to be too much for her, but she'll be fine as Sakura has the song for her to sing and the notes written down to play them on the instruments for the band.

Bakugou was the drummer, Yaoyorozu was the keyboardist, Tokoyami and Kaminari with Jirou were going to be doing the guitars making it to be perfect, but then Jirou turned the tables a bit and wanted Sakura to join in the singing making her to look confused as she never sang before and it's not sure if she'll be able to join in.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that, sissy. You kept singing a sound with tears going down your face a lot. Something like 'Nen-Nen yo, okororiyo' or something like that." Sakura's froze as everyone looks to her as tears went down her face before a strong illusion casted over them and they saw Sakura's a small child of about five and a half and a woman walks over as Sakura's fully smiling up at her.

"Mama!" Sakura ran to her as she got picked up making her to smile even wider before they went home.

"Naa, naa, mama! Can you sing that song again, please?! I want to be able to remember it and sing it to my own children when I older!" The woman chuckles as she sits down on the couch.

"Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, suya-suya to, oyasamuminasai
Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, yasashi hito ni, sodachimasu you ni
Kami-sama arigatou, enjeru (angel) mo arigatou
Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, mama no mune de oyasuminasai

Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, suya-suya to, oyasuminasai
Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, uruseru hito ni, sodachimasu youni
Kami-sama arigato, derai wo arigato
Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, mama no mune de oyasuminasai.
" The woman sang making Sakura to laugh and giggle as she hugs her mama.

"Mama, daisuki!" Then it changes to Sakura age eight being on the streets as she's all in rags and dirty making her to have a lot of people around her as they're in a warehouse with Sakura standing on a crate scooping out food to everyone as there's oil barrels with fires in them trying to keep many people warm as it's winter time.

Sakura saw some fighting making her to think of something fast as she needs to stop the fighting as they can't afford to fight as many Heroes and police will find them and send them back or far worse, the orphanage making her to think fast before she remembered the song her mama used to sing to her and she hopes she doesn't mess the sang up.

"Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, suya-suya to, oyasamuminasai
Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, yasashi hito ni, sodachimasu you ni
Kami-sama arigatou, enjeru (angel) mo arigatou
Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, mama no mune de oyasuminasai

Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, suya-suya to, oyasuminasai
Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, uruseru hito ni, sodachimasu youni
Kami-sama arigato, derai wo arigato
Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, mama no mune de oyasuminasai.
" Not only did it stop the fighting, but it got everyone to smile as Sakura sings the song before all was at peace and Sakura kept scooping the food out at the same time making them to not fight anymore. Then they saw Sakura age twelve was looking after a lot of children as there's fights happening outside.

"Mama! I'm scared!"

"Me, too!" Sakura worries as the fight is between twenty Villains making her to cover them up as fast as she can making her to think before she remembered her mama's song making her to take a deep breath and breaths out as she opens her mouth and the sang flows out of her making everyone to stop and listen to the song.

"Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, suya-suya to, oyasamuminasai
Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, yasashi hito ni, sodachimasu you ni
Kami-sama arigatou, enjeru (angel) mo arigatou
Nen-nen yo, okororiyo, mama no mune de oyasuminasai

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