Rape part 2

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Shiozaki Ibara got grabbed by the second Nomu making her to use her vine-like hair to attack, but her vine-like hair attacked her instead making her clothing to be torn off and then the Nomu had a copy of her Quirk as it has a Quirk; Copy seeing that allows it to copy a Quirk it saw in use and be able to use it twice as strong from the original.

It's making Shiozaki to be in big trouble from this as the Greenbrier vines can also be removed from the Nomu making it to hold onto her as it also has a another copy of a Quirk; Chlorokinesis (Plant Control) making the Nomu to control the plants in the whole area including Shiozaki's Greenbrier vine-like hair making more Greenbrier vines to grow from the ground.

They wrapped around her as her wrist were tied fully behind her back with her elbows behind her head. Her legs got spread and bent making six Greenbrier vines to enter her making her to have four in her mouth keeping her from screaming as six went into her anus making her to be lifted from the ground by Greenbrier vines as then a big one thrusted into her nipples each.

This was making her to shake her head as the red grey stripped weird looking squid entered her mouth and it's before the four Greenbrier vines went into her mouth making the big Greenbrier vines to clog the inside of the nipples making the breast milk to stay inside as the Greenbrier vine bloats with more milk making Shoizaki to feel the pain there cause of this.

The Greenbrier vines pulled her breast up before it had a clog on the outside, but the many bloats still are going into her breast. Shoizaki hates this as the Greenbrier vines were tugging onto her nipples and it's at the opposent time making it to be tugged at harshly making her to gasp as the bloats were Jupiter sized ones making it to hurt her even more.

Then the Greenbrier vines cumpied her making her to scream as the Greenbrier vines were inside her womb making her stomach to bloat. The Greenbrier vines are just continuing to fill her making her to hate this as the Greenbrier vines were blocking it from leaving her which's making her stomach to get bigger and bigger, but it's also hurting her as the Greenbrier vines aren't stopping anytime soon.

The Nomu then grabbed the big Greenbrier vines and squeezed them making the bloats to be stopped shocking her. Shiozaki's scared as she doesn't want the thing to let go of the Greenbrier vines as she shakes her head at it making the Nomu to not care since it's not human and can't understand them at all before letting go of the two Greenbrier vines.

The whole thing went into her breast at the same time making her to scream as the pain was too much. The Greenbrier vines finally stopped and pulls out of her womb, but not outside of her. Her stomach went two times bigger making her to feel kicking and punching against the inside of her womb making her to have tears as the big Greenbrier vines stopped.

They're now just tugging on her which has her feeling sore in her nipples before the Nomu harshly tugs her up by the big Greenbrier vines making her to be hanging from them. The clogs were big enough to not slip out and she's just hanging from her breast before the Nomu starts to bounce her from the Greenbrier vine making her nipples to be even more sore.

The Nomu tries to use her as a yo-yo making Shiozaki to hate this before the Nomu let's go, but she's still in the air making Shiozaki to freak out. The answer? Leaves. Leaves grew on the big Greenbrier vines and was making her to float which's making her panicking before she felt the Greenbrier vines leave her and she had everything rushing out of her as the seeds stick to the Nomu.

They grew out of it's body making it to be dead, but the Greenbrier vines and the new ones weren't done as they thrusted back into her once the two human babies were born from her making her to hate this as the thrusting was going too fast plus she's on her back again as she's breast feeding her babies which has her freaking out as she doesn't know how to look after them.

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