Class 1-A

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Sakura and Shoto walks to school together on the first day as Shoto calls her sissy which she didn't stop as she'll be married to Dabi once eighteen with Hawks joining in making them to smile as they're doing a compromise for the wedding with All Might giving her away than her biological father who's not invited to the wedding.

Sakura remembers Himiko Toga and she knows what her adoptive parents did to her making her to keep writing her letters and offer a place at her home to stay at as ancient human blood fully seems to calm her down a lot more actually making her to be happy as her biological parents heard and are willing to take her back in.

It's just they weren't ready yet that very year making her to ask if she can rejoin the family, but stays with Sakura making them to accept as she helps train her Quirk and when she had went through a Quirk Awakening, but was there to help her out and now she's in second year of U.A making her little brother to freak out about this.

Sakura and Shoto are in class 1-A making them to seat down as he sits behind her making many to wonder about Sakura as she has long knee light green hair with white front and side bangs, one eye's dark green and the other one's crystal sapphire blue, her chest's one hundred and seventeen inches, her hip's fifty-nine inches and her waist's ninety-three inches.

Shoto has gotten overprotective of Sakura making both Dabi and Hawks to let him know about her heart and her two Quirks making him to be very overprotective of her which she doesn't mind as it'll calm both of them down making her to wonder as Himiko's little brother is in the seat in front of her making her to have a good chance.

Himiko's going to be happy as she'll get the news and letchers her brother who might shout at their parents for hiding he has a older sister making Sakura to find it entertaining like Himiko does as her little brother's never going to be getting is ways as he has a lot of anger management classes to go to for his anger issue that he has. 

Sakura noticed how everyone's talking and then the teacher arrives making them to have them all outside as it's time to do Quirk Assessment making making Sakura and Shoto to be happy that Himiko told them about this as both are fully ready for the test making them to keep it to themselves as this is going to be fun.

"First task's the 50-Meter Dash. You guys must run fifty meters straight while using your Quirks to fully improve your mobility. Your completion times are going to be recorded." Aizawa's marking down the results.

Competitor/Quirk Time

Engine: 3.04 seconds

Explosion: 4.13 seconds

Frog: 5.58 seconds

Zero Gravity: 7.15 seconds

Tail: 5.49 seconds

Navel Laser: 5.51 seconds

Acid: Unknown (Faster than Yuga Aoyama)

Sakura got first place since that's how fast she is with her own Quirk as her time's 2.86 seconds max shocking them as she's fast, but she used a cloud to ride on to do that which has Aizawa shocked as if she's truly that fast on a cloud, then she's the most fastest person on the planet and can knock out villains with a single punch to the face.

"The next test's the Grip Strength test as you guys need to grasps a hand-held device that reads the force your grip exhibits in kilograms." Aizawa wonders about the participants as there's no one someone can break the device which he's about to be eating his words once it's Sakura's turn to do it.

It's making her to hold the device and squeezed it until she had it at the same grip strength of her six armed classmate which's 540.0kg before she kept going and going making her to be getting closer to the maximum of the device before...

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