Ashido's new torturment and Sakura's ally

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Ashido's gone home as she didn't like that at all making her to hope it doesn't happen again as that just felt weird and she didn't like it at all. Ashido's in her room after super as at first, Ashido thought the snake's just a stuffy that her parents gave her until she stripped to place her p.j's on before the two bats came back out of nowhere freaking her out.

Ashido didn't like this as they fully drove for her making her to slip and fall onto the cock of the snake making her to moan at the largeness that had entered her. Then the thrusting started as the bats landed onto her breast and heads towards her nipples where they suckled from her again making Ashido to be unable to scream for help.

Ashido's stuck again, but this time the bats followed her and suckling on her nipples as the snake's underneath her and is thrusting into her making her to be like this since the bats followed her home and somehow got the snake into her room. It's one hundred and five feet long cause of someone's stupid idea to mix two different snakes together.

A fifty-two feet mother Gigantophis Reticulated python hybrid with the scales looking like the Gigantophis' (AN: Jurassic Park: The Game version) and a fifty-three feet light brown colored, maroon-brownish spotted father Titanoboa making the snake to be very long at one hundred and five feet making it to be the longest snake in the world.

Ashido's scared as she's a bit bloated up just from the cock itself making her to be scared as the tips inside her womb making her to feel the tip poking at the roof of her womb from that fall she did as she had landed on it and it's fully fucking her since the first day she saw it in her room making Ashido to be trapped and unable to call for up.

It's making her to be bloated with the sperm of the snake as it keeps on thrusting into her and they're on the floor of her bedroom plus the bed. The snake got her legs to be spread and now she's unable to move cause of the snake as it's wrapped around her once and once around both her legs to spread them them even wider to keep her in place.

It's to keep her from escaping making her to be suck as she's mated for a long time as it's cock's fully inside of her while it cumpies her again as it's making it's cock to be deep in her womb making her to keep feeling the hitting on the roof of her womb over and over again as the bats never left her since the first day.

They kept drinking her breast milk cause of the same one who made this snake making them to enjoy their food from her and it's making Ashido to hate them for this as the snake cums inside of her again as it's making her to be bloated even more as the snake's wrapped around her under her breast making the bats to still be on her breast.

Ashido prays the snake stops as she needs to get away from it, but it's not going to be possible cause of it's Quirk; Hypnotic Eyes. It's making her to be hypnotized by the eyes and this makes the snake to have her to fully allow it to do this to her every single day and it also hypnotized her to let the two bats drink from her nipples every single time they need feeding.

The snake's no longer wrapped around her body anymore as she's limp and just staring into the snake's eyes while blinking. For the rest of the one week and six days left until Ashido can go back to school, Ashido's been like this as the snake has to keep using it's Quirk to keep it's orders in her mind for a long time.

Then the two bats activated their own Quirks again which's the same one; Hybrid Aura as it's making Ashido to get fully pregnant by the snake. The two bats keep doing that each time the snake cumpies Ashido for those two whole weeks straight as the snake keeps the cum inside of her as none ever leaves cause of how big it's cock is.

It's making Ashido to be full of cum and she cums a lot cause of the tip of the snake's tail fully circles in her fold above the clit to make her cum for soo many times and it's making her to be cumming soo many times none stop since the first day of the snake circling the tip of it's tail in the folds above her clit making Ashido to be cumming a whole lot.

The Black Lady of the NightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora