Finding out and date night

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Paris and I have a date tonight to the bookstore I went to and then we are going to weston's bakery. I'm very excited about Paris. She's been talking about it all week. We typically do them on Saturday nights but we are doing it Today instead because my mom said that we have dinner plans but they might move to Sunday. It's almost time for me to go pick up Paris at her house. At least she only lives like five minutes away. I walk down stairs and I see my mom and dad on the couch so I walk up to them to let them know where I was going.
"Hey mom, dad I'm gonna go pick up Paris then we are going on a date."
"Ok honey, have fun."
"Will do bye guys."
"Bye love you"
"Love you too." I say as I'm walking out my door towards my car. I pull up to Paris's drive way and I get out of my car and head to the door. I knock on the door and her mom answers.
"Hi Eloise, I've to pick up Paris for our date tonight."
"Hello Alice, come in Paris is in her room."
"Alright, thank you." I walk in and I go up the stairs and I knock on Paris's door and she answers.
"Hey babe."
"Hello love you ready to go"
"Yea just let me grab my purse."
"Ok ready."
"Ok lets go. Also you look gorgeous."
"Aww thank you so do you."
"So where are we going tonight?" Paris questions
"It a surprise but you will love it"
"I'm trusting you"
"I know you are" the drive takes around 30 mins or so to get there.
"Uhhh Alice, why are we in Stars Hollow?"
"Cause there's a really cool bookstore and I want to show you. Also there's a really good bakery here."
"Ohhhh that makes sense"
"Why else would we be here?"
"I don't know. So I can punch Rory in the face?"
"As much as I would love to see that, not happening"
"Damn" I park the car in front of the bookstore and I get out and walk to Paris's side and open the door for her.
"Thank you" she kisses my cheek and I blush really hard. We walk up to the door and I again open the door for and she smiles
"Ok par pick as many books as you want"
"Babe are you sure?"
"Yes now go look around"
"Ok" she walks around the bookstore for twenty minutes and then comes back to me asking me to hold ten books
"Ali, can you hold these for me?"
"Sure love" I take them from her and she walks again for another ten minutes
"Ok I think I'm done"
"Alright let's go check out"
"Ok" We walked up to the counter. The man behind the counter says his name is Andrew.
" hello ladies this is it?"
"Awesome my name is Andrew by the way"
"I'm Alice. She's Paris."
"Like France?"
"Oh cool. so what brings you guys to stars hollow"
"this bookstore and then Weston's bakery"
"well the next time you come you should really try Luke's best place in town"
"Ok sounds like a plan thank you" he tells our total and I pay. We grab the two bags and I open the door for Par. We both walk back to the car and put the bags in the back. I opened Paris's door for her and she got it and then I went to my side and got in. I started the car and then my phone started ringing so I answered it.
"Hi Alice, it's Emily and I was wondering if you wanted to come to dinner tonight. Christopher is in town and so are his parents so I figured that you would want to meet them"
"I'm so sorry but I already promised Paris that we would go out tonight."
"Oh well that's quite alright. If you want I can give him you or Denise's number and you guys can set up a date or time."
"That would be lovely Emily thank you so much for telling me"
"Of course Alice, well they would be arriving soon I must go"
"Alright goodbye Emily, give my best to Richard"
"Goodbye Alice" I put my phone down. Paris gives me look like everything ok.
"So that was emily telling my fathers in town"
"She's going to give him my moms number so we can talk. She originally invited me to dinner but I want to be with you so I said no."

"I'm sorry love."
"It's alright. Now let's go to the bakery."
"Ok." I drive to the bakery and we both get out. Paris was faster than me this time and opened her own door oh well. I did however open the bakery door for her. We both go inside and find a table to sit at. We looked at the menu and to see if there was going to be anything that either of us could eat but there wasn't well there was coffee and coffee is always good. So we both got some. After talking and drinking our coffee, we head back to the car and we drive to my house. Once we get to my house we grab her books from the back seat and head inside.
"Hey mom, we're home."
"Ok well me and your father are going out for dinner"
"Ok. Paris and I will be in my room."
"Ok also tomorrow we are having dinner with the Haydens and then on Sunday we have brunch with the Huntzburgers."
"Ok will Logan be there?"
"Ok well we're gonna go now. Bye mom bye dad."
"Bye sweetheart" Paris and I headed upstairs with her books and put them down in front of my bed on the floor.
"So what do you want to do now?" I ask paris
"Can we watch Breakfast Club again?"
"Yes we can. Let me go grab some snacks while you start the movie."
"Ok." I run down the stairs to the kitchen to grab all of our favorite snacks and drinks. After that I head back upstairs to my room. Paris is laying down on my bed where she's set up all the pillows to where we can sit up but still cuddle. I place all the snacks and our drinks on the table next to my bed and I sit down on my bed next to Par.
"Which snack do you want first?"
"The fruit snacks."
"Ok." I grab her fruit snacks and hand them to her as well as her drink which is lemonade.
"Yep, go ahead and start the movie." Paris presses play on the remote and starts to lean into my side so I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her into my side so she can cuddle into me if she wants.
20 minutes later
Paris has fallen asleep after about twenty minutes of the movie. I move our snacks off the bed and I pull her closer into me to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be scary.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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