First dance

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I've been preparing for the upcoming dance. Paris and I are going together and we are also helping by selling the tickets which is very boring unless you are me and you have the most gorgeous girlfriend ever. Currently Paris is sleeping next to me while I watch her breathe. I start to see her wake up so I pretend I'm asleep.
"Alice, I know you're awake. You can't fake it. I can see your eyelids moving."
"Dammit. I was really hoping it would work."
"You can't fool me."
"Yea I know. I just wanted to try."
"Ok well time for school so get up."
"What if we don't go to school today?"
"We have to. We are selling tickets, remember."
"Oh yeah." We both get up and get dressed. Honestly I'm kinda excited for the dance.

We are currently selling the tickets and Tristan came up to buy some

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We are currently selling the tickets and Tristan came up to buy some.
"Hey tris."
"Hey alice."
"Two I assume."
"You assume right."
"Are mom and dad out of town this week I don't remember?"
"They are."
"Ok cool. Here's your change."
"Thanks." We kept selling tickets while Tristan went to go bother Rory which was really fun until she was next in line.
"Two please."
"Excuse me?"
"He was totally nice to you and you were a jerk."
"Well not everyone is a spoiled brat."
"Woah. That was uncalled for."
"I don't have enough change." Paris spoke and she kinda sounded worried when she said it.
"Pay me later."
"What am I, your versateller? Wait for change."
"I'll go get it." I got the change and came back
"I've got your change." Rory just left without taking her change wtf
"Paris, it's ok. We can give it to someone else."

  Paris and  I were getting dressed

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Paris and I were getting dressed. She was wearing an olive green dress with her hair half up half down. While I was wearing a short black dress with some sparkly black heels. We quickly went downstairs and took pictures and then got to the limo and left. We arrive at the dance and I see Madeline and Louise. So we hang our coats up and then head over to them. Immediately they start jumping up and down like psychos, it's not unusual for them but it was weird.
"Aww thanks. So do you two."
"Thank you."
"I'm going to get some punch. Alice, do you want any?"
"Yes please, thank you love." Paris went to go get us some punch, hopefully it's not spiked. Madeline and Lousie walk away to fuck with Rory. Paris came back over with two cups of punch and a not so happy face.
"Hey love you ok?"
"I think so But be careful cause when I was walking away from the punch bowl I saw someone dump vodka into it."
"It's early though wtf."
"It is. Anyway, wanna dance?"
"Sure." We went on the dance floor for about thirty minutes and then got some dinner and went back to dancing luckly by then a slow song came on. Paris put her arms around my neck and I put my arms around her waist but I did hesitate for a second to make sure it was ok with her that I did that. As we were dancing it felt like the entire world had stopped and it was just us until we heard yelling. We both broke eye contact and looked around for the source and of course it was Tristan trying to fight Rory's date. Paris and I quickly run over there to help break up which worked because I went in front of Tristan and he immediately stepped back. After that Rory and her date left. I pulled Tristan off to the side to yell at him.
"Why did you feel the need to do that?"
"Because she said no to me for that asshole. I don't understand what she sees in him."
"Tris you like her a lot don't you?"
"Yes. I do." I pull him into a hug and he starts to cry a little. I've never seen him cry except when he was little and he got hurt but that's it. He's never cried over a girl though. I hate the way she treats him. He truly likes her and she thinks that he is just messing with her. After about 10mins Tristan pulls away from the hug.
"Hey I'm gonna head out and just go home. I'll see you later."
"Ok, be careful driving home." After he leaves I head back over to Paris to make sure she's ok.
"Hey par, how are you doing?"
"I'm good. I kinda liked seeing Rory getting messed with."
"That's fair. I feel bad for tris though. She doesn't deserve his attention."
"She doesn't deserve anything."
"Yea really."
"Anyways, do you want to continue dancing?"
"Sure" We dance the rest of night until we both were tired and then we headed home. By the time we got home Paris was sleeping in the passenger seat so I quickly got out and then went to her side to get her out and carry her to the house. I laid her down on my bed and she immediately cuddle up to the pillows. I shook her awake so that she can change her clothes. After that we both laid down and fell asleep.

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