Paris is burning

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*based of episode 11 season 1*
Paris's parents are getting divorced so Paris has been spending the night at my house so she isn't around them. I feel so bad for her, she doesn't deserve this. Right now we are in English class with Mr. Medina which sucks.
*the bell rings*
Paris and I both rush out of his class while Madeline and Louise babble that whoever is dating him is lucky or whatever. Honestly I don't give a flying fuck about that. Rory has tried to talk to me three times already and it is only the end of first period. I don't want to talk to her or Lorelai. I also don't understand why she feels the need to talk to me. Oh look here she's come now.
"Alice, please talk to me. I had no idea that you were my sister. Please just talk to me."
"Lorelai Leigh Gilmore I swear to fuck if you don't leave me the fuck alone. I will personally send you to hell. Now go the fuck away I need to get to class." I walked straight past her and I didn't say anything else. Parents day is coming up and I have to be in every single class with Rory and her mother. While my parents won't be here. Paris's parents are also not coming so that's going to be fun.  Paris is staying at my house tonight again. I don't mind. Honestly, I very much enjoy it. Tonight Paris and I are going to watch Footloose and then cuddle in my bed after a lot of making out.
     I love this girl. She's my first girlfriend. I wish my parents never would've  sent me away cause if they didn't this would be our third year together but instead it's our six months together which I'm still happy that we are finally together. I think every day I see her the crush I have on her getsq bigger . I get that when you are dating someone you don't necessarily have a crush on them but I do have a crush on her. Every little thing she does makes me blush, sometimes when I see her I get the biggest smile ever and I won't stop smiling for a good two hours. Sometimes during class Madeline and Louise have to poke me to stop daydreaming about Paris which takes about 20 mins. I feel someone poking my arm and this time it's Paris not madeline or louise. As soon as I see her face my smile gets bigger and my cheeks heat up.

"Alice, are you ok?"
"Yea why?"
"You looked really mad for a minute and now your face is really red."
"Sorry I zoned out for a second and then I saw your face and got really happy."
"Awww. I love you."
"I love you too." I pull her in for a quick kiss but we hear someone clears their throat. I want you to take a wild guess on who that was. If you guessed rory then you are right. Why can't she leave me alone god. This is my last class thank god but tomorrow I have to see her and lorelai.

"Alice, here's my number if you ever want to talk ever?" I took the piece of paper and ripped it to shreds right in front of her face. She just rolls her eyes and walks away. I don't want to deal with her and her mom. Tristan is ditching tomorrow lucky him. If I ever tried to ditch Paris would have my head on a stick. I love her but sometimes she needs to take a chill pill. Maybe I can fake being sick but then she would be by herself so I won't. All of the sudden I hear the bell, holy shit I just missed the entire lesson. I'm asking Paris for help later. We were walking out of the class and to our lockers, where we picked up the stuff we needed to do our homework. We were walking out of the school and to Tristan's car where we got stopped again by a bitch.

"Alice, please talk to me. I really need to talk to you."
"Fine, you have one minute."
"Can we talk alone?"
"No, whatever you say to me, you can say to paris." I grab Paris's hand.
"Fine. I don't think Paris is good enough for you. You need to find someone else who is actually worth your time." Who does she think she is?
"Get The Fuck Away From Me Now Before You Have A Broken Nose!!" She runs away before I can actually hit her.
"Par don't listen to her shes a fucking bitch."
"Maybe she is right." My poor baby
"No she's not. If anything you're too good for me."
"No, we are perfect for each other." There's my girl.
"Yes we are. I love you."
"I love you more."
"No you can't, it's impossible."
"Anything is possible if you try hard enough." Tristan walks over to us and unlocks the car so me and paris are in the back and he is in the front. It takes about 5 minutes to get home. So not a long car drive but it still gives paris enough time to fall asleep on my shoulder. So I carefully carried her bridal style inside while Tristan grabbed our backpacks. I bring her up to my room a lay her down on my bed and cover her with a blanket. She automatically snuggles into the pillow and blankets. She is absolutely gorgeous. I went downstairs to grab our bags for when she wakes up so we can do our work. Hopefully I can sneek in nap also, I'm so tried. I went back upstairs to my room and i see a very confused paris awake.

"Hey goodmorning."
"When did I fall asleep?"
"In the car on the way here"
"Oh damn ok. Well I have to finish my homework."
"Yea me too but i also need the rest of the notes"
"Ok well here you go" she hands me the notes and we both sit on my bed in a comfortable silence doing our work. After about an hour of work we are finally both done and we can relax. I turn on "Footloose" and we watch it until its time for dinner. Since my parents aren't in town and our chef is on vacation we ordered Chinese take out. Which was amazing btw. Now once again we are in my room watching "Casablanca". We both love this movie so much. Paris fell asleep but this time on my chest, so I turned off the movie and pulled her closer to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be hell.


Paris and I both wakeup and get ready for school. Thank god neither of our parents are here because both of them would've gone off on Lorelai which would have been really funny but also would get them in trouble. We get to school and head to Mr. Medinas class and guess who is walking in right behind me. YOU'VE GUESSED THE TWO BITCHES THEMSELVES. Mr.Medina is currently talking about the things we will be doing this semester. Then he tries to talk about Proust but he doesn't have his book then the bell rings. Thank god. We walked out but I forgot one of my books so Par and I quickly turn around to go and get it but instead we see my bio mother KISSING MR. MEDINA. WHAT THE FUCK MAN.

"Paris we can use this as blackmail to get people off your back and to get back at the gilmores"
"Yes that could work, we should do it now cause everyone is at lunch."
"Yes, let's go."  We walk to the lunch room and start whispering in people's ears about what happened and the entire room gets really loud. I walk out to call Emily you know might as well. Paris walks up to Rory tells her what's going on and then I see Lorelai walking back in. God is gonna be great.

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