First date

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  As we are watching the movie I start to think about asking her a question but then I get scared. Should I ask her? Will she say yes? Will our parents approve? The last question scares me the most, not that my parents won't approve but what about her parents. Will they approve? Do they know she is Pansexual? The real question is do they care? Because her parents are barely ever home, her dad is always away on "business trips' ' . We all know he is cheating  on her mother and her mother hates the house so she's always at the country club or in London. Paris knows but doesn't want to confront her dad. I wonder what's going on inside her head right now? Is she thinking the same things as me?

Alice and I are watching a movie together right now. Not that it isn't something we normally do but now we both know that we have crushes on each other. I really want to ask her a question but I'm scared she will say no. I don't think my parents care enough to know that I like her or that I want to be with her. While her parents are accepting and know that she likes girls and guys. Should I ask her? Is she going to ask me? I'm going to ask her right now.

"Hey Alice"
"Yea Paris"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Of course Paris what's up" God I love her blue eyes
"Um paris slow down and repeat that I couldn't understand you"
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"YES" wow that was fast
"Wait really"
"Yes paris"
She asked if I wanted to be her girlfriend, obviously I do. I can't believe I'm dating Paris Geller.
"Paris can I ask you something"
"Why didn't you ask earlier"
"I wasn't sure if you would say yes"
"Well here we are"
"Yep" should I kiss her
"Can I kiss you?" She looks at me and nods with the biggest smile. I cup her face and I crash our lips together. This is our first kiss as a couple. We've played a bunch of spin the bottle with Madeline and Lousie however everytime I spun the bottle it landed on her. I'm really glad that I can finally call her mine. We break the kiss to breathe and a question pops into my head.
"Paris, are we going to tell people about us?"
"We can if you want. I don't mind either way"
"We should probably tell our friends because if we don't and they find out through someone else they will be pissed"
"Yea so we should tell them. And then that way we won't have to worry about anyone else. Are you going to tell your parents?"
"Yea I think so. They won't mind though because they already love you. Are you going to tell your parents?"
"I mean I have to eventually but both of them are away right now. I should tell Nanny though she will be ecstatic"
"Ok then it's a plan"
"Should we just tell our friends tomorrow at school?"
"Yea. Hey since your parents aren't home and neither are mine. Do you want to spend the night?"
"Ok cool. Well since the movie is over, do you want to head to bed?"
"Yea, That's a good idea because we have school tomorrow"
"Yea" We went upstairs to my room and I gave her some extra pjs that I had from the last time she spent the night. She goes into the bathroom to change while I change in my room and get the bed ready
Ik that its a short chapter but I have school in the morning and I'm tried so Goodnight and i will update tomorrow

In love with Paris Geller| Gilmore Girls Where stories live. Discover now