Chapter 2: Vanity Cafe

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Author Note

Bold = English/ Other Language (Japanese excluded)

Trigger Warning:

- Minimal Swearing

- Inappropriate behavior toward a minor

Adjusting her mask, Y/n looked down at the order, her brain tried to decipher the letters "Two large americanos, one sweet potato latte, one strawberry latte, and one caramel macchiato."

"God, I feel so self-conscious." whispered her coworker Hoshi Tanaka as she kept her head down while making a different order.

"Why? You look great," asked Y/n.

"They're always looking, always staring; I feel like a fucking animal."

"Don't let it bother you," said Y/n as she started on one of the lattes.

"Well, we were hired for our looks. The cafe is called Vanity Cafe." another coworker entered Keiji Yasutake's conversation; "Order for Kasumi Maita," he called.

A girl came up to the counter, her face blushing at the sight of the boy before her. "Thank you," she whispered.

"And the pay is good," added Y/n as she finished the sweet potato latte. "Hours are somewhat flexible; management isn't bad, either."

"They're only that nice to you since everyone knows you're the star of this location; customers come for you," said Aoi, taking her helmet off and getting her drink from the breakroom.

"Not all customers; I'm not for all demographics." Y/n smiled. However, Aoi just rolled her eyes.

"Anyone with eyes can see you're beautiful, Miss Beauty Embodiment."

Y/n's face flushed "I didn't choose that name."

"The school rush is ending," Hoshi smiled as she interrupted the conversation. "Now we just gotta prep for delivery. Do we have enough boxes?"

"We're good on the boxes. Is it hot outside?" asked Y/n to her coworker.

"Not that bad, but there's construction near the bank on four, so traffic's a little behind there."

"Okay," Y/n put the lid on the caramel macchiato, "Should I do that shortcut through the grocery store parking lot?"

"Nah, a lot of people are using it. Go through the department store parking lot on two, and cut through all that traffic using the back."

"Depart, two got it. This is my last order; ready to go?"

"More than ever," sighed Aoi, "I have been eyeing that one new ramen restaurant in block three; I'm dying to try it."

"Tell us how it is when you get back," said Keiji.

"I heard it's really good," said Yukiko, startling the others.

"When did you get here?" asked Y/n, "Order for Takahiro!" a group of middle school boys came up to get their drinks, each nudging and teasing the other.

"You tell her."

"What? Why me?"

"Excuse me," said one of the boys.

Y/n turned back around and smiled. "Yeah? Do you need anything?"

The boy seemed to freeze when he realized her eyes were focused on him, "Can I get another straw?"

Where Did Hue Go?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang