Chapter 3: To See Beyond

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Y/n moved her arms around as she saw the hand marks scattered across her arm. "How am I supposed to cover these?" she asked as she looked at her bruised wrist, which made her wince when she moved it around too quickly; Juro was stronger than he looked.

Luck was on her side since the catering event would occur later in the day, so Y/n had a few hours to learn how to cover bruises. Grabbing a long-sleeved shirt and a mask, Y/n got on her motorcycle and drove to the Cosme Tokyo.

"Hi, welcome to Comsme; are you looking for anything specifically?" asked a worker as soon as Y/n came in.

"Um, yeah; I need to cover up some bruises on my leg," Y/n said sheepishly; noticing that the associate looked concerned, she quickly added an explanation "I tripped down my flight of stars, so I have bruises on my legs, and I have a date tonight, and I want to wear a skirt."

"Ah~, okay, well first," Y/n followed the worker as she grabbed a basket and started filling it out with things that she thought looked pretty. The trip that was supposed to last a few minutes transformed into an hour trip.

The girl smiled at the cashier as she rang up her products which varied from different products. "Hope you have a great day."

Y/n smiled at the cashier before leaving with her bag of items. Deciding to take a long way to avoid the shop, she took her time to admire the scenery as she drove by.

Y/n signed as she closed the door; she shouldn't have looked around the store after getting the products she needed. Y/n was a sucker for cute things or anything that caught her eye; sticking her hand into the bag, she pulled out the first thing she touched, which turned out to be a cute lipstick she found.

No, Y/n, focus; you need to cover the bruise, then you can goof around Y/n gently smacked herself to bring back her focus. The associate was nice enough to explain to Y/n each step and what every product did; taking a deep breath, Y/n set down the products on her vanity.

However, something didn't feel right. Double-checking everything, Y/n stood up and walked out of her room before walking back in; then, it hit her. It was too quiet in her room; the girl placed a vinyl on her turntable; she would need music to concentrate.

"Let's get this party started." Y/n whispered to herself.

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"Thanks for coming, Y/n," said Sun-Hi as she saw the girl approaching their stand.

"I'm happy to help." Y/n walked behind the counter. "What do you want me to do?"

"Put an apron on, tie your hair back, and wash your hands. You'll be serving the tteokbokki, don't eat it." teased Sun-Hi.

"Got it," Y/n gave the elderly lady a thumbs up before following her instructions.

"Hey! Y/n!" called a voice from behind her.

Turning around, Y/n saw a girl running over to her and hugging her. "Hey, Seoyeon! How've you been?"

"I'm great; schools fine too. I'm on break right now,"

"Nice! Any cute girls?"

"Yeah, but you know, you never know if they're straight or gay." Y/n nodded at Seoyeon's point. "And you know how some girls get when they find out you swing that way."

"The aprons are cute, oh~ and the pockets are nice and big." Y/n shoved her hands in her pockets to emphasize her statement.

"You think everything is cute, and everything looks good on you. I look frumpy," Seoyeon gestured at herself.

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