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They were all tortured in different ways...

Vera was left in a completely white room, bright enough to burn her eyes. It was such an out of place room on Apokolips.

The first time she'd been there, she'd been on edge every second, waiting for a blow. But after 5 hours, nothing had come.

All there had been a was some wind-like sound that filled Vera's ears. But it wasn't some comforting white noise, but a sound that beat her skull from the inside. She couldn't explain it, but even after the sound stopped, she was scared.

She kept waiting for something to come, even though it never, never did.

It doesn't sound bad I know. It should be a relief after all the physical beatings and cuttings and fighting rings--

But there's something terrifying about nothing happening but still being unable to stop thinking about all the bad things that could fill that silence or all the time she could feel passing or her hearing her own heart beating and knowing at any moment it could stop.

The least to say.




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