Hope Burns Bright

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"You know what the most annoying and stupid part about these 'internal corps issues' meetings are?" Margot questioned. "The fact that 60% are a green lantern and a violet lantern not being able to keep it in their pants!" 

Even Aga'po sighed in agreement with that. It was their third case that meeting revolving around a green-violet lantern relationship souring. Often in public displays of contructs battles. Often in the nude, as the couples seemed dead set or arguing right after doing it. 
Why was it Carol and Hal had their shit together but no other couple did? 

"I think it would happen less if you simply let us take care of the unhappy couple the red lantern way." Bleez interjected. 

Now Margot and Zox sighed.  

"Bleez, we are not cutting off their genitalia over a little spat!" Margot cried in a way that told the council they had been through that discussion many, many times. 

"We do it with our criminals." 

"With rapists, not consensual relationships!" 

"Wait, so is there just a red lantern who cuts off people's...you know?" Guy asked. 

While all corps leaders had to be present at these meetings through holograms, other lanterns could watch or bring cases forward. 

"You're looking at her." Bleez smiled. 
"Wait, so--" 


"Please stop talking." 

That came from Hal and John. Aga'po observed who else was present in hologram form. For the green lanterns, alongside their guardians, were the earth lanterns, Tomar-Tu and Mal (who were physically on the Star Sapphire homeworld after a nearby space battle), and Aya (who never missed a meeting, and enjoyed recording everything spoken). The red lantern council, Ganthet plus Brother Warth, Indigo-1 and Silvestri, and Larfleeze all appeared holographically as well.  
To be fair, why would they want to meet in person for this? 

"I really don't get why they're so upset. They're just fuc--" Indigo-1 nudged Silvestri. "Flings, I mean flings. Nothing serious, no kids, no custody." 

"'Sexual beings are rarely smart enough to view their own relations'" Aya said, quoting her late daughter. She flinched as she said it. 

"Well, whatever way it goes, we have one more petition." Aga'po said. "From Violet Lantern Laveria and Blue Lantern Niuq." 

Margot's eyes narrowed. "Quin's--" 

"She's not dead!" The Violet lantern shouted as she entered the Queen's viewing chamber.  

A heavily muscled individual, Laveria's outfit was far less revealing than other Star Sapphire's. Her species' natural blue skin was covered in Violet and Red tattoos. Her eyes were a piercing brown and her stringy violet hair reached down her back. 

Aga'po sighed, realizing this was another person's heartbroken plea that their loved one couldn't be dead. Laveria, in particular, had been on this for days since Red Lantern Quin's death. 

The Zameron Queen's heart went out to her, and she did not expect the woman to move on fast or readily. But still, pushing this before their council was a bit much. 

But wasn't that the way of all Star Sapphires? 

"Laveria--" She began. 

"No. I'd know if she was dead! I'd--" 
"Feel it?" Appa finished for her. "Completely illogical. One heart cannot be so connected with another that they'd be able to feel it operating or not." 

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