11| 𝐬𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞

ابدأ من البداية

"Let's start simple. Tell me this, what's your favorite movie? Because I already know how much Steven loves The Mummy."

☽ ♞ ☾

Marc was sat on the couch, waiting for Vera to find a particular blanket she was looking for. He watched her with humor in his eyes as she scurried around the apartment, looking for the item.

After a few minutes, she returned to the living room wrapped in a large fluffy blanket. She took a seat near the man and glanced at him.

"Sorry, I tend to misplace things." She giggled as she grabbed the remote and pressed play on the movie.

The two sat near one another, their knees almost touching. Marc glanced at her and back to the TV, contemplating what to do. Should he hold her? Or should he just stay where he was? He didn't want to make her uncomfortable.

"You can lay with me. . If you want?" She broke his train of thought. It was as if she could read his mind.

He looked at Vera to see her holding her arms open towards him. Without hesitation, he dove into her arms and laid his head on her chest. She giggled at his eagerness and wrapped her arms around him.

"I'm sorry. . You just don't know how long I've waited for this." He admitted in just barely a whisper.

"Really?" She asked with surprise.

He nodded his head in reply, resting his palm against her stomach. She bit her lip before reaching up and running her fingers through his wild curls, causing him to sigh of contentment.

Vera didn't press further and adjusted the blanket to cover both of them. Her focus became engrossed in the movie, and that's how the two spent their day off.

☽ ♞ ☾

Vera was standing at the museum gift shop, a clipboard in her hands as she examined the items for purchase. She had to keep rereading the words on the paper - as her mind was completely distracted with thoughts of Marc and Steven.

Her heart fluttered at the mere thought of the men, a smile always finding a way to her lips when thinking of them. She had come to the realization that she was inevitably falling in love. She knew she shouldn't be and should feel guilty - and in a way, she did. Would she ever be able to tell the boys the real reason she came into their lives? They would probably hate her.

That thought made her stomach drop. Should she just tell them now instead of pushing it off? She didn't know what to do. It was another instance of when Natasha would come to her rescue. But that was no more. And she certainly wasn't going to ask Peter, the 16-year-old, about it. Vera was on her own, and it was nerve-wracking.

"Love." The familiar sweet British accent rang in her ears, pulling her back to reality.

She spun on her heels, now facing an adorable Steven. His lips were broken into his toothy smile and all she wanted to do was plant kisses along his face. But she refrained - hardly.

"Hey, you." She beamed as she set her clipboard down and stepped towards him, gently tugging him closer by his jacket.

His curls were wild and unruly - and Vera loved them that way. His eyes carried bags underneath, alerting her to his lack of sleep. A frown immediately replaced her grin.

"You didn't sleep, did you?" She asked him, her voice filled with worry.

Vera hadn't seen him in a day or two - ever since she met Marc for the first time. He had been busy with work and what she assumed was Moon Knight business.

"I uh. . no." He admitted with a frown on his face.

"Well. . I guess you know what that means?" She tilted her head slightly as she asked him. He shook his head no and gave her a confused look.

"It means you have to sleep with me tonight." She told him, a smile popping back onto her lips.

Steven's eyes widened at her words. He knew what she meant but couldn't help but think about the other thing. He blushed deeply before smiling at her.

"That is very much needed." He told her, an eager look in his eyes.

"Marc says it's just what he needs." He added on with an eye roll, making her laugh.

"Tell Marc there's enough of me for both of you this evening." She sent him a wink, knowing it would make the man blush even more.

"I - uh. ."

"Bye, love." Vera turned and grabbed her clipboard, walking away from the awestruck Steven.

He stood stuck in his spot, his eyes wide with adoration and lust as he watched her walk away. Marc rattled around inside his head, demanding him to go after her. He wanted to continue that conversation.

"No, no. I have work to do." Steven took a deep breath as he calmed himself, still watching her retreating figure.

"We gotta keep ourselves in control." He muttered to his alter before trudging towards the cash register.

☽ ♞ ☾

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