Chapter Forty-Two

Start from the beginning

"He was a spineless cunt." Lord Vaith spoke. "I knew that for certain when he chose to become a puppet king and a lap dog for The Prince of Oldtown."

"No need to worry, my Lady Toland, Lady Qorgyle and my Lord Vaith." Princess Deria spoke as she looked at the ladies and then she looked at the rest of the present ladies and lords. "My lords and ladies, Oberyn Dryland will pay for his betrayal with his bones being fed to sharks in Stepstones, that I promise you. The fate of all traitors will always remain the same... buried with no name on their grave."

With that, Princess Deria stood up from her throne and spoke.

"My ladies and lords. We have stood unshaken against everything the dragon lords have thrown at us. They burnt us, but we remained Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken." Princess Deria continued.

"Ours is unlike every other nation. We are men, women... We are equal, for we know that it is what it is between a person's ears that leads a kingdom, not what they have between their thighs. We are Dorne. We are the kingdom that did not, has not kneeled, and we shall not kneel as long as we draw breath." Princess Deria spoke and continued. "When other kingdoms weep and sob about only a man must sit his arse on a throne,  my grandmother was sitting on this very throne, and she ensured Aegon Targaryen would think twice before trying to conquer our kingdom like he conquered every other kingdom." Princess Deria spoke strongly.

The lords and ladies of her table nodded and smiled in agreement with Princess Deria's words.

"My friends. It is time to remind the crown that Targaryens hold no power over our great nation." Princess Deria spoke.

"Soon Dorne will hold her head high and sing a song of independence, for I, Deria Martell, will see our nation free of Targaryens before I join my father and grandmother in death."


At the same time, far from Sunspear in the Red Keep, Jaehaerys had found his sister, Alysanne, in the library all by herself, with only a book in her hands, as she stood in front of a bookshelf and read with a soft smile on her lips.

Jaehaerys leaned to the door of the library and smiled as took his time to observe his sister's honey-coloured curls that fell over her slender shoulders. Jaehaerys had always wondered to himself, would there be a time that he would look at her, and she would not steal his breath away?

The words of their betrothal to one another were getting more life as days passed, for King Aenys, their father, was now more confident in their betrothal since the faith had granted and accepted Aegon and Rhaena's marriage. Jaehaerys knew one day soon he could proudly call Alysanne his wife, and that day couldn't come any sooner.

It would take moments for Alysanne to notice Jaehaerys's tall figure and handsome face, and once she did, she smiled gently. "My beloved brother."

Jaehaerys only smiled and walked to Alysanne, grabbed her chin and kissed her lips as he wrapped his arm around her waist, and pressed her graceful figure to his taller form.

Her lips tasted like fresh apples, and her arms were where Jaehaerys could call home. Jaehaerys could not patiently wait for his marriage to his beloved Alysanne.

After their shared kiss, they softly broke their kiss. Jaehaerys looked deep into his sister's soft blue eyes and kissed her forehead. "My beloved Sister." Jaehaerys whispered. "Where were you all day, my love? I could not find you at all."

"I chose to spend the day with our sister and our nieces." Alysanne spoke as he rubbed Jaehaerys's hand on her waist with her thumb, and smiled at her brother. "I thought it is best to stand by our sister, now that Aegon finally threw his last shreds of dignity away." Alysanne spoke slightly coldly when she spoke of Aegon's name.

Alyssane had taken it upon herself to be by their sister's side since their brother and sister had ended their marriage in all but the name. Oh Alyssane, my love. Jaehaerys thought to himself.

"My beloved, you need not fulfill the duties that are meant for Aegon as a husband. Aegon has not been a proper husband to our sister, but..." Jaehaerys sighed, as he did not know what to say on this matter, and then spoke calmly. "Perhaps it is best to allow Aegon to find his way to earn our sister's forgiveness, so they may yet live as husband and wife."

"I'd rather see them never speak again than to see our sister suffer the humiliations that Aegon puts her through once again." Alysanne spoke coldly, and turned her head to avoid Jaehaerys's purple eyes.

"Aegon is our brother–" Jaehaerys spoke but Alysanne softly placed the tip of her long and elegant fingers on Jaehaerys's lips and looked into Jaehaerys's purple eyes.

"I love Aegon, Jaehaerys. I truly do. He is our brother. But I love Rhaena more. Aegon neglected our sister since the day she birthed the twins. Either drowning himself in wine or ruining the reputation of women of the court, from maid to a lord's daughter." Alysanne spoke with a bitterness that was unlike her. "He has neglected his own so-called daughters. Aerea and Rhaella are growing up without knowing what is like to have a man they can call father. He refuses to attend the small council as the heir, and he would leave the Red Keep with Viserys to find a tavern to get drunk in and find a pleasure house to wet his cock... He does not deserve Rhaena... You know it too, my love..."

I do, my love, I do. Jaehaerys thought to himself. He knew he could or would never do such a thing to Alysanne once he was married to her, which disappointed him furthermore to see how their brother was embarrassing and shaming himself in front of the eyes of low and high.

"Everyone in the Red Keep knows that Aegon does not deserve Rhaena... But no King has ever lived who would rule a long reign without a powerful Queen by his side... As Aunt Visenya held Westeros together for our grandfather for years despite their mostly troubled marriage..." Jaehaerys spoke. " I believe Aegon and Rhaena will find peace and contentment as years pass by and they rule together, just as same as Aegon the conqueror and Visenya. If only our imbecile of a brother realize sooner rather than later that how much he truly needs Rhaena... sooner than our grandfather did that how much he needed Visenya with him, not against him." Jaehaerys spoke, but then Alysanne's words finally sank in.

His so-called daughters? What does that mean? Jaehaerys wondered to himself, but then he wondered whether he should speak his question loud or not, for he could see his beloved's dragon blood ran warmer than ever. She is a dragon after all, despite not sharing the valyrian appearance.

Jaehaerys chose to speak his question loud, but before he could even form the words of his question, a scream was heard, and then shouts for a maester were followed.

"Jaehaerys?" Alyssane spoke calmly as he placed her hand on Jaehaerys's chest and looked at the library door.

Jaehaerys raised the hand that Alysanne had placed on his chest and kissed it, and then he walked to the door and opened it. Maids that accompanied maesters were following the maesters, and guards and Kingsgaurd formed a defence possession and searched every corner they could find.

"What has happened?!" Jaehaerys asked loudly from a pair of maids who's their foreheads were covered in sweat.

One of the maids looked at Jaehaerys worried and spoke as her voice carried waves of nervousness. "The King has been poisoned!"

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