"We thought the Olympians said Atlantis," Keto explained. "Their idea of a joke, I guess, sending us here instead."

   Percy narrowed his eyes. "And you're a goddess?"

   "Keto, yes!" She smiled happily. "Goddess of sea monsters, naturally! Whales, sharks, squids, and other giant sea life, but my heart always belonged to the monsters. Did you know that young sea serpents can regurgitate the flesh of their victims and keep themselves fed for up to six years on the same meal? It's true!"

   Frank was still clutching his stomach like he was going to be sick.

   Coach Hedge whistled. "Six years? That's fascinating."

   "I know!" Keto beamed.

   "And how exactly does a killer squid rend the flesh from its victims?" Hedge asked. "I love nature."

   "Oh, well—"

   "Stop!" Phorcys demanded. "You're ruining the show! Now, witness our Nereid gladiators fight to the death!"

   A mirrored disco ball descended into the Nereid exhibit, making the water dance with multicolored light. Two swords fell to the bottom and plunked in the sand. The Nereids ignored them and kept playing Go Fish.

   "Curse it!" Phorcys stomped his legs sideways.

   Keto grimaced at Coach Hedge. "Don't mind Porky. He's such a windbag. Come with me, my fine satyr. I'll show you full-color diagrams of the monsters' hunting habits."


   Before Percy could object, Keto led Coach Hedge away through a maze of aquarium glass, leaving Frank and him alone with the crabby sea god. A bead of sweat traced its way down Percy's neck.

   He exchanged a nervous look with Frank. This felt like a divide-and-conquer strategy. He didn't see any way the encounter was going to end well. Part of him wanted to attack Phorcys now—at least that might give them the element of surprise—but they hadn't found out any useful information yet. Percy wasn't sure he could find Coach Hedge again. He wasn't even sure he could find the exit.

   Phorcys must've read his expression.

   "Oh, it's fine!" the god assured him. "Keto might be a little boring, but she'll take good care of your friend. And honestly, the best part of the tour is still to come!"

   Percy tried to think, but he was starting to get a headache. He wasn't sure if it was from yesterday's head injury, Phorcys's special effects, or his sister's lectures on nauseating sea monster facts. "So..." he managed. "Dionysus sent us here."

   "Bacchus," Frank corrected.

   "Right." Percy tried to keep his annoyance in check. He could barely remember one name for each god. Two was pushing it. "The wine god. Whatever." He looked at Phorcys. "Bacchus said you might know what your mom Gaea is up to, and these twin giant brothers of yours—Ephialtes and Otis. And if you happen to know anything about this Mark of Athena—"

   "Bacchus thought I would help you?" Phorcys asked.

   "Well, yeah," Percy said. "I mean, you're Phorcys. Everybody talks about you."

   Phorcys tilted his head so that his mismatched eyes almost lined up. "They do?"

   "Of course. Don't they, Frank?"

   "Oh... sure!" Frank said. "People talk about you all the time."

   "What do they say?" the god asked.

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