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"The flying chariot's broken," Nyssa continued, "and the pegasi, we're using them to search for Percy. But maybe Hephaestus cabin can help figure out something else to help. With Jake incapacitated, I'm senior camper. I can volunteer for the quest."

   She didn't sound enthusiastic.

   Then Leo stood up. He'd been so quiet, yet he didn't know how he'd managed that. He assumed he was just really exhausted, and had seen his old babysitter—who had to be dead by now.

   "It's me," he said.

   His cabinmates stirred. Several tried to pull him back to his seat, but Leo resisted.

   "No, it's me. I know it is. I've got an idea for the transportation problem. Let me try. I can fix this!"

   Jason studied him for a moment. Leo was sure he was going to tell him no. Then he smiled. "We started this together, Leo. Seems only right you come along. You find us a ride, you're in."

   "Yes!" Leo pumped his fist in the air.

   "It'll be dangerous," Nyssa warned him. "Hardship, monsters, terrible suffering. Possibly none of you will come back alive."

   "Oh." Suddenly Leo wasn't so excited. Then he remembered everyone was watching. "I mean... Oh, cool! Suffering? I love suffering! Let's do this."

   Annabeth nodded. "Then, Jason, you only need to choose the third quest member. The dove—"

   "Oh, absolutely!" Drew was on her feet and flashing Jason a smile. "The dove is Aphrodite. Everybody knows that. I am totally yours."

   Piper's hands clenched. She stepped forward. "No."

   Drew rolled her eyes. "Oh, please, Dumpster girl. Back off."

   "I had the vision of Hera; not you. I have to do this."

   "Anyone can have a vision," Drew said. "You were just at the right place at the right time." She turned to Jason. "Look, fighting is all fine, I suppose. And people who build things..." She looked at Leo in disdain. "Well, I suppose someone has to get their hands dirty. But you need charm on your side. I can be very persuasive. I could help a lot."

   The campers started murmuring about how Drew was pretty persuasive. Leo had to admit, Drew seemed quite persuasive. Chiron was scratching his beard, like Drew's participation suddenly made sense to him.

   "Well..." Annabeth said. "Given the wording of the prophecy—"

   "No!" Piper shouted, making Leo snap out of his daze. "I'm supposed to go."

   That made more sense to Leo. After all, he had known Piper for a while now, and he knew she was pretty smart and strong.

   "Get over it!" Drew snapped at the crowd. "What can Piper do?"

   Leo looked at Piper. She seemed to hesitate as millions of thoughts passed in her mind.

   "Well," Drew said smugly, "I guess that settles it."

   Suddenly there was a collective gasp. Everyone stared at Piper like she'd just exploded. Then she realized there was a reddish glow around her. "What?" she demanded.

   Piper looked gorgeous, Leo thought. She had had a complete glow-up. She was adorned in a beautiful white sleeveless gown that went down to her ankles, with a V-neck so low it made Leo's face turn red, even if he didn't like Piper romantically. Delicate gold armbands circled her biceps. An intricate necklace of amber, coral, and gold flowers glittered on her chest, and her brown hair was lush and long, braided with gold ribbons down one side so it fell across her shoulder.

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