Shopping With A Princess

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Kiara could feel something was wrong.

   Her mind felt blurry, but she seemed more kept-together than Jason or Leo, who both seemed dazed and looked like they didn't seem to think anything was wrong. She looked at Piper. The daughter of Aphrodite looked like she was weighing the options of running, or attacking the woman. Kiara forgot why she was so paranoid of the princess.

   The princess gestured toward the cosmetics counter. "Shall we start with the potions?"

   "Cool," Jason said.

   "Guys," Piper interrupted, "we're here to get the storm spirits and Coach Hedge. If this—princess—is really our friend—"

   "Oh, I'm better than a friend, my dear," Her Highness said. "I'm a saleswoman." Her diamonds sparkled, and her eyes glittered like a snake's—cold and dark. "Don't worry. We'll work our way down to the first floor, eh?"

   Leo nodded eagerly. "Sure, yeah! That sounds okay. Right, Piper?"

   Piper did her best to stare daggers at him: No, it is not okay!

   Kiara didn't know why Piper didn't trust the princess. The woman seemed really nice. Plus, she'd said they would get to take Coach Hedge and go. But where were they going? Kiara couldn't remember. She frowned. Something about a quest...

   "Of course it's okay." Her Highness put her hands on Leo's and Jason's shoulders and steered them toward the cosmetics. "Come along, boys, Kiara."

   Kiara followed, though it felt wrong. Her steps became more and more hesitant the less the princess spoke.

   "And here," the princess said, "is the finest assortment of magical mixtures anywhere."

   The counter was crammed with bubbling beakers and smoking vials on tripods. Lining the display shelves were crystal flasks—some shaped like swans or honey bear dispensers. The liquids inside were every color, from glowing white to polka-dotted. And the smells—ugh! Some were pleasant, like fresh-baked cookies or roses, but they were mixed with the scents of burning tires, skunk spray, and gym lockers.

   The princess pointed to a bloodred vial—a simple test tube with a cork stopper. "This one will heal any disease."

   "Even cancer?" Leo asked. "Leprosy? Hangnails?"

   "Any disease, sweet boy. And this vial"—she pointed to a swan-shaped container with blue liquid inside—"will kill you very painfully."

   "Awesome," Jason said. His voice sounded dazed and sleepy. Kiara felt the same way. But she had just slept for over four hours, hadn't she? She could no longer remember.

   "Jason," Piper said. "We've got a job to do. Remember?"

   Kiara frowned. "A job... What were we doing again? Weren't we shopping?"

   "Job to do," Jason muttered. "Sure. But shopping first, okay?"

   The princess beamed at her and Jason. "Then we have potions for resisting fire—"

   "Got that covered," Leo said.

   "Indeed?" The princess studied Leo's face more closely. "You don't appear to be wearing my trademark sunscreen... but no matter. We also have potions that cause blindness, insanity, sleep, or—"

   "Wait." Piper was still staring at the red vial. "Could that potion cure lost memory?"

   The princess narrowed her eyes. "Possibly. Yes. Quite possibly. Why, my dear? Have you forgotten something important?"

~ { Shadow and Beauty } ~Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin