'Eleven' Torture

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He panted heavily while running away as fast as he could, he was suddenly caught by one of the military men and hit in the neck which made him pass out.

Poland woke up hours later and he woke up to see himself in a somewhat dark, cold, dusty room... He rubbed his eyes looking around then suddenly realized he was in a dungeon! Poland looked at his leg noticing it was chained up and he slowly remembered everything, he looked around about to yell for help or panic until Soviet Union and Third Reich walked in front of the bars of his chambers. Poland's eyes widened in surprise and he just remembered that he wasn't being careful earlier. "How's our sneaky Poland doing?" Third Reich laughed out while Soviet's face stayed expressionless, Poland didn't know what to do as he just kept his look up at the two feeling such in fright and he felt like he couldn't move. His body shuddered then tried to keep himself on focus but just couldn't after he remembered all of the trauma the two caused him. "The little sneaky brat really had to try and look at what we were doing. But still failed, what a failure." Soviet crossed his arms looking away because of how disappointed he was in failures. Poland was feeling so down and didn't know why out of all people Britain could have chosen to choose in sneaking, it wouldn't be no other than the dear Pole.

Tears streamed down the Polish's eyes as he looked down, feeling like everything just sank down the drain after Soviet called him a failure. Third Reich looked down at Poland then grabbed his chin, forcing him to look up. "Look at us when we talk to you." Third growled lowly, caressing his sharp nail against the Pole's cheek which made it bleed. Poland groaned and immediately grabbed Third Reich's hand, pushing it away forcefully. "Fucking asshole, how dare you be so feisty with me!" Third frowned at Poland, harshly slapping his face making Poland yelp and his cheek was stung after such a hard slap from the German. He held onto his cheek feeling so helpless, he quickly regret being here. Poland gulped as he looked back up at the two with his tears falling down and his cheek looking so red. "Hic! Leave me hic! alone.." Poland cried out and Soviet just couldn't believe he was looking down at the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth's failure of a child, he rolled his eyes before yanking the Polish's hair harshly not even showing any mercy. "Not until we say so, darling." Third chuckled before leaving his chambers with a malicious grin, Soviet looked at Third before pulling his hand away from Poland's hair. He looked down at him before exiting his chambers and locking it. Poland continued to cry, feeling so restless and hopeless. He just wanted to go back to the present again.

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