'Ten' Sir Sneaky is Caught!

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Poland was thinking that they were probably trying to find him which probably made them worry about him too.

A week have passed and the war was still postponed, they didn't know when it was going to unpostpone but the Germans and Russians were probably getting more military men. Poland sighed, walking around their military campus because he totally had nothing to do until Britain walked up to him. "Poland, I need you to do something for me." Britain asked politely with a smile as he grabbed the Polish's hand, Poland didn't know what Britain wanted but knew he had to do what he would ask for. "I need you to spy on the Germans and Russians again, can you do that?" Britain didn't know if Poland would accept because it was a hard request for the Polish to do but wanted to do it for Britain. Poland nodded trying to gain a bit of confidence and strength not wanting to do it but still had to anyways. "I'll.. Try to." Poland smiled, Britain sighed in relief then caressed Poland's hand. "I wish you luck, Poland." Britain smiled before he left with France by his side holding the French's hand.

Poland looked around before he sighed, grabbing some stuff for his journey. He told Ukraine he was going to spy on the Germans and Russians and Ukraine worried that Poland would get caught. Poland didn't want to go and he was very worried that something bad might happen or he would probably get caught but he had to do it for Britain's sake. The Polish waved goodbye to Ukraine before he ran to the mountains where the path was led to the German and Russian base. He made sure to be cautious and careful, not wanting to get caught. He was just going to spy on them then go back to the allies' base. Poland took a deep breath before going behind bushes and grabbing his binoculars to spy in their office where they were in. It seems like they were planning something for the postponed war, probably a surprise unpostponement? He sighed until the Soviet Union suddenly turned to the window to see Poland spying on them. Poland flinched, quickly running away until the two ordered their military men to catch Poland. He panted heavily while running away as fast as he could, he was suddenly caught by one of the military men and hit in the neck which made him pass out.

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