'Six' Worry

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I never expected this all to happen, but why so sudden..?

Third Point of View
Reich sighed, sitting on his chair as he waited for the Soviet to go inside of his office. While he looked outside through his window seeing leaves falling down to the ground, he realized that something was bothering him these days.. The Allies were just not acting right as all that were bothering Reich. Someone suddenly opened the doors to his office which made him flinch and turn around to the door, it was Soviet. He sighed before grabbing two ink pens and a paper, looking at the Soviet made him feel like he had the right to betray him.. But why? The Soviet glared at the Reich and crossed his arms as he looked at the ink pens the German was holding. "Let's get this over with, Sowjet." Reich sighed unrolling their alliance paper and placed it down on the table. The Soviet nodded before grabbing an ink pen while Reich explained some simple stuff in their alliance paper.

Soviet nodded and took the cap of the ink pen off, he was about to write his signature down but he had a feeling that Reich would break their alliance.. He sighed hesitating as his hand shook slightly before he gave in and wrote his signature down. Reich smiled maliciously, writing down his signature on the end of the alliance paper. Lending his hand out for the Russian, the Russian kept his expressionlessly cold face and handshook with the German. The two were talking about plans and how they would take it easily in beating the allies. After they talked all about that, the Soviet went back to his military and decided to prepare his army while Reich also prepared his.

Poland sighed walking back to the barracks feeling so down, he didn't know what to do and didn't know how to stop the treaty of versailles. Ukraine sat down next to Poland's bed wrapping and arm around his shoulder trying to comfort him. The Polish knew he had to push through and stay strong but just couldn't, he knew what would happen and knew that all of these moments will happen to him once again. He wanted to try and change it all, but he didn't know if he could even try to anymore. Poland's situation was attacking him mentally, he just wanted to go back to the present and focus on himself. What would happen if Germany and Russia were also with him? He sighed, now starting to sniffled and sob, Ukraine rubbed the back of his own head then wiped Poland's tears away with his thumbs. "Hey, it'll be fine Polska.." Ukraine rubbed his back in circles.

Poland wiped his own tears away, sniffling before he looked up at the ceiling. "How will it be fine if I couldn't change things in time?" He sighed, fidgeting his fingers as he looked away from Ukraine. Everything was just too much for him and he just wanted to rest, he wanted to go back home, he wanted everything to go back to the way it was.

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