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I hastily wipe away the remnants of tears from my cheeks, hoping that the stains won't give away my fragile state as I step out of my apartment building. It's a new day. This is the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

As I make my way to the sidewalk, a sleek black sedan pulls up beside me. The driver's window glides down. It's him - the same old pervert who drove me that first intoxicating night at the underground club. My heart skips a beat, wondering how he even recognizes me without the blonde wig and seductive clothing.

"Need a ride, beautiful?" His voice, laced with hints of 'slimeball', makes me want to puke.

"I'm fine, thanks," I reply.

"Come on. Get in the car. I won't bite. I told you, you're safe with me."

"It's fine, thanks again."

"Miss Davies, I have orders to drive you to work. Do you want me to get into trouble?"

An endless stream of questions flood my mind. Is everything part of a twisted game? But amidst the whirlwind of doubt and fear, an undeniable surge of desire pulses within me. He's sent him. He's not going to let me go so easily, is he? I can't explain it, but there's something about the darkness that draws me in. Against all reason, I find myself nodding, my curiosity outweighing my rationality.

I slide into the backseat, conscious of the driver's penetrating gaze in the rearview mirror. The scent of his cologne is sickening.

Silence transcends as the car glides through the city streets, bypassing familiar landmarks. My mind races with thoughts of Adam Reynalds, the powerful and enigmatic entrepreneur - the important meeting he has with my narcissistic boss today. At least, I won't be late accepting this creep's lift.

Lost in my thoughts, I'm startled when the car stops.

"There you go, honey. Have a nice day."

I get out of the car, offering him only a weak smile. Each step I take toward the office feels like I'm walking on air. I feel lightheaded and dizzy as I avoid looking back.

The fluorescent lights seem to flicker with unease, mirroring the anxious beat of my heart. I can sense the eyes of my co-workers, their gazes like daggers, piercing through my fragile composure.

My narcissistic boss, Mr. Stevens sits behind his imposing desk, his scrutinizing gaze locked on me as I walk to my workstation. He is a master of manipulation, always thirsting for power and control. I know that today's meeting with Adam Reynalds holds immense importance, not just for the company but for my own fragile existence within these suffocating walls.

I steady myself, the weight of the driver even knowing my name, playing on my mind. As my coworkers buzz around me, their voices blending into an indistinguishable chorus, I push open the window next to me.

"You okay, Sarah?" Megan asks.

"I'm fine, thanks. I just need some fresh air."

"Heavy night, huh?"

"You could say that," I mutter. I can tell she's thinking. Holy shit, the night before the fucking meeting with Reynalds?

Stevens pokes his head around the door. "Samantha, get in here," he shouts over.

"I think he means me," I say. "He always calls me Samantha."

I hurry to his office, and just as I am about to push open his door, the epitome of allure and charisma, is right behind me.

"Sir, Mr. Reynalds is here," I inform Stevens holding open the door with a trembling hand. Adam Reynalds stands tall and unyielding, as he follows me inside. His smoky gaze fixes on me, a glimmer dancing in his eyes. I can't help but feel a vulnerable magnetism drawing me to him, like a moth to a seductive flame.

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