Chapter 54

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-Chapter 54-

- August 2, 1824

Today, for some reason, Young Master Killian came to my office.

It was the first time he had come to my office and sat down, but strangely enough, he told Miss Edith that he came here often.

I thought about correcting him, thinking he might be wrong with his memory, but Master Killian's gaze was so vicious that I stopped myself.

Miss Edith was focused and fast today, with and without Master Killian. She's a talent I admire every time I see her.

But then Master Killian stole a glance at her and suddenly asked me if I wanted to hire another employee.

It was nice of him to ask that, but it's not like I haven't hired people in the past.

I've always hired, it's just that they couldn't last half a year and ran away.

In that sense, Miss Edith was really helpful.

She was as conscientious, understanding, quick with her hands, and smarter than anyone I've ever met, except for her often-repeated probation.

So I said that I didn't need a new employee because Miss Edith was already helping me more than enough, but Master Killian looked at me with a frightening glare.

Perhaps Master Killian wanted to get Miss Edith's attention, but if that's the case, he should have said something nice to Miss Edith.

I don't think Miss Edith would understand such a twisted way of speaking when she's so focused on her work.

I see they both have a very difficult future ahead of them.

* * *


Killian came to Renon's office every day as if he were going to work.

Seeing that he came in and didn't do much of anything, it was obvious that he was there to spy on me.

But if you're going to spy on someone, you should do it in hiding, not in plain sight like this. It's not a good way to do it.

Anyway, I ignored him and continued to play the conscientious employee.

No, this is not an act.

Even in this world, my soul couldn't escape the Korean Peninsula office worker trying to earn money to pay off the loan.

"If you add up the amounts on this receipt, the total is 3,568,478 sennas, but the actual statement says 3,568,487 sennas." I informed Renon.

He nods, "I see, they must have transposed the last two digits. I was wondering where the 9 sennas had gone, so thanks for finding it."

"I'm not done yet. I realized there was a miscalculation. It's not a big deal, but I think if you miscalculate, you'll get into trouble later."

"You're right. I've been thinking about it, but you're very meticulous, and you've cleaned up a bunch of document that was full of errors."

"Thanks to you for teaching me well, I suppose. Thank you for your hard work today."

"You did a great job, young lady, then see you next week."

Once again, I found a document with a miscalculation, corrected it, and organized it with a sense of satisfaction.

"Are you done now?" Killian asked.

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