Chapter 5- Rattle my chains

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Shortly after the school day was over, Charlie and Marv headed over to the bike shed. 

Marv: "Are there any lights in here? It's too dark."

Charlie moved his hand along the wall, checking for any possible indication of a light switch. Charlie shook his head at Marv and sighed.

Marv: "Flip. I guess we'll just have to feel our way around."

It was pretty obvious where the bikes were, at least to Charlie, who didn't say anything as he thought Marv's struggle was funny, and maybe even a little... cute? 

Charlie: "Marv... why did you move here anyway?"

Marv slumped his back against the wall, and slowly slid to the floor.

Marv: "My mum. She's dying. We had to move closer to the hospital. I hardly ever see my dad, as he's always too busy with work, which leaves me to look after Morty, my younger brother. He's a good kid."

Charlie crouched down next to Marv, and ruffled Marv's dark brown curls.

Charlie: "Wow. I am really sorry, Marv. Hopefully... I can.... make it...better..."

Charlie stroked Marv's face. Marv looked up at Charlie, engulfed in his blue eyes. 

Marv: "I love you. I've only spent a day with you but it's felt like a lifetime. I love you."

Charlie was smiling more than ever before. He leant over and pressed his lips against Marv's. 

Charlie: "Does this mean... we're... lovers?"

Marv: "I guess so."

Marv grasped Charlie's hand. The two were united, in the darkness and dreary of a schoolday's dream. 

the eND 🙄💅

Charlie and Lola's day at schoolNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ